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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. My understanding is that you cannot breed, sell or advertise for sale blue tounges in the Auckland area.
  2. alanmin4304


    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  3. Cats are hunters so they hunt as they were intended to do. Bells or no bells. The bad thing about bells is that they have left their deposit on my salad vegetables before I can get to the shotgun. Not that I would really.
  4. I don't hate cats, I just don't like what other peoples cats leave on my garden of fresh vegetables eaten raw. These roaming cats prevent me from allowing my pets to have a free roam confined to my back yard. Cats should not be allowed to roam freely anymore than dogs should. I don't like eating trout or salmon and I have as much desire to torture them on the end of a fishing line as I do to torture a rabbit or a seagull. Each to their own.
  5. While the introduced fish like trout and salmon are considered more important than our natives they will have about as much chance of survival as our native lizards and frogs while people believe that cats should be free to roam and prey on whatever they fancy. Our values are a wee bit out of wack.
  6. I understand that the glass thickness in the bent corners varies as a result of the bending process.
  7. May not do well in a heated tank
  8. If you poke them and they swim they will be, if you poke them and they retreat they are tubifex.
  9. alanmin4304

    Sell me!

    I have always found them interesting and livebearers boring.
  10. alanmin4304

    Sell me!

    They are often great colours but are the only fish where the eggs can be sent through the mail
  11. It didn't use to be in Christchurch until the quakes either. It is added in the form of HTH when repairs are done to the water reticulation system.
  12. It is the active ingredient in water treatments to get rid of chlorine and chloramines. The reaction produces some ammonia and prime will control that as well.
  13. If you use compost as a media the worms feed on that and don't come to the surface. I used old potting mix from a nursery and fed luncheon sausage as food. It works well if you can keep them cool enough in summer.1
  14. I have never kept Africans so don't know a lot about them. Could it be columnaris?
  15. Looking great. Many thanks to all those involved.
  16. Rinse it in water to thaw it and the salt will go away. The glaze is a salt solution over the product when blast freezing it. It protects the product from freezer burn.
  17. My guess would be an opportunistic fungal infection following wounds from other fish or objects. May have a bacterial infection as well. I have never kept uaru so am not sure if they are sensitive to any treatment. I would treat with an antibiotic and an antifungal but not sure which ones. Mrs Google may be able to help.
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