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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Glosso and hairgrass need good light and ferts to do well. Sag not so much.
  2. Are you sure it was not brumating?
  3. Last season was a disaster as I could not get the temperature down enough to bromate them properly so fertility was about zilch. Hoping to do better next season. I suspect they are not actually mack snows as I have bred enough that there should have been a super in there. Have no idea what they are if they are not. Someone may prove me wrong.
  4. I have bred a few that were said to be mack snow on overseas sites and a few that were said to be possible mack snows but have never bred a super or heard of one being bred.
  5. Should we kill people that tattoo horses? Or even kill people that tattoo people?
  6. The "glow" zebra danios have had some of the DNA from a jelly fish transplanted in their DNA.This is quite different to injecting dye in to the body of a fish.
  7. Glow fish are genetically modified and many people tattoo themselves and/or their pets, eg horses. I am not suggesting tattooing fish is a good idea but they are not genetically modified.
  8. You can siphon the babies out and raise them in another tank but the parents will probably breed again almost straight away.
  9. If it has an orange belly it is not well.
  10. 3-4 months. You need to make sure they have digested their food and don't have a belly full that will rot in their guts when the temperature drops. Don't feed for three days and then bromate when you can get the temperature down to about 12 degrees C. Not easy in the summer.
  11. I don't breed females until they are 50 grams. Males and females come out of brumation pumped up with hormones and ready to breed.
  12. Yes, up to you, when they come out of brumation and yes. They need to be big enough to breed and big enough to bromate.
  13. I would worry about the treatment leaching from treated timber.
  14. Whistlers are a lot smaller so need smaller food.
  15. Have a look at it at night with only a torch and see if it has velvet----looks like it is sprinkled with pepper. Hard to see much with the pics.
  16. An importer said to me that he would rather deal with an intelligent vet that knows little about fish than an unintelligent person that knows little about anything. It is my hope that their knowledge of fish will improve as I also hope vets generally will get better at dealing with reptiles.
  17. A few people are no longer with us from using kero or lpg heaters in a restricted space like a caravan
  18. Obviously not. They just use the oil to store the heat which comes from the electricity. Hope you didn't lose too much sleep.
  19. Burning any organic fuel like kero, lpg or diesel produces water and CO2. lack of O2 produces CO which combines with your red blood cells and does not release as O2 does so you run out of useful haemoglobin, go to sleep and die like a person gassing themselves with a car exhaust.
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