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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I agree but my point was that the frequency and degree of water changes is related to how many fish are in the aquarium.
  2. Lysimachia is not much of a pond plant and is really a bog plant---grows well emersed if sheltered from frost.
  3. In my opinion the bioload determines the frequency and volume of water changes required not the habit of doing it weekly. When I was breeding lots of fish and had many tanks very heavily stocked it would not have been out of the question to do 80% water changes every other day but in lightly stocked tanks it could be 3 or 4 weekly and a lesser amount. If what you are doing works well for you that is great and everyone else will need to work out what works well for them.
  4. A tank with only a few fish will not have the same bioload as a tank the same size containing 20 times as many fish.
  5. If you tank has lots of well developed plants and not much bioload you will be able to do less water changes and the plants will probably like it.
  6. A picture of the sump would help people to make suggestions.
  7. Put the sand in to a bucket with a lid to exclude the light. Keep tipping off the water and when they run out of O2 the worms will come to the top and you scrape them off. Put them in to another tank with about 10 mm of very fine gravel and feed them on kitten pellets. Soak the pallets and break them up so they spread evenly. Add a sponge filter and aerate. Siphon of some gravel and worms once established and the worms will ball up in the bucket separately. You now have a permanent supply of Lumbriculus for you fish.
  8. They are easier to convert from tropical to cold (just turn the heater off) but the other way has to be done more carefully.
  9. I wouldn't want to put that weight on it in shaky town.
  10. Is the floor concrete or timber? There is a very small area in contact with the floor.
  11. I don't treat fish that I have just bought as I observe them carefully before buying or if unavoidable, buy from reputable sellers. I have never used melafix so know nothing about it. It is also unlikely that I would ever use it either as I have satisfactory cures for any diseases that are treatable.
  12. Contagious means spread by direct contact.
  13. Welcome there are some experienced salties on this site.
  14. It is worth keeping them for the laughs you get when you watch them grow up, have there own and go through what you did with them.
  15. Experimenting will teach you what works for you. Just make one change at a time so you know which change it was that worked for you.
  16. I used to grow them like pot plants in a glasshouse with the normal humidity of the day. Just keep the roots wet. Some will need higher humidity such as Java fern and anubius
  17. Life is easier if you keep the humidity right down where you can.
  18. mack snow to mack snow should give 25% super mack snow and 25% normal with 50% mack snow. Season before last I had 1 male and four females laying but no super macks.
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