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  1. A Starting Point

    1. Announcements

      Important stuff about this forum and associated websites

    2. Welcome

      New here? Tell a little about yourself. Everyone is welcome here!

    3. FNZAS & Afflilated Clubs

      Federation of New Zealand Aquatic Societies and affiliated clubs. Issues and announcements

    4. Beginners Corner

      Just starting out with fish keeping? Or you're an old hand but want to try something new. You've come to the right place.

    5. 71
  2. The Community Tank

    1. Coldwater

      This forum is to discuss cold freshwater aquaria and ponds

    2. Freshwater

      This forum is to discuss freshwater aquaria

    3. Saltwater

      This forum is to discuss saltwater aquaria

    4. Technical

      Discuss equipment and the more technical stuff here

    5. DIY Section

      Do it yourself information to help others with the hobby

    6. Diseases

      A place to ask for help, offer remedies and talk about sick fishies in general.

    7. Private Trade and Exchange

      Private individuals trading aquarium related items such as fish, plants, equipment along with reptiles and amphibians. For Sale and Give Away are all welcome.

      Please include location in your post so others can see if it is local or not.
      Please use the Wanted to Buy forum for specific items you are after.
      Joining the local aquarium club (and the FNZAS) will be appreciated

    8. Wanted to Buy

      Private individuals wishing to buy aquarium related items such as fish, plants, reptiles and amphibians and related equipment.

      Please include location in your post so others can see if it is local or not..

    9. Commercial Trade and Exchange

      Sellers of aquarium related products selling in commercial quantities and/or at retail prices and breeders selling fish on a regular basis can use this forum to discuss their products.
      A donation towards maintenance of this site is always welcome.

  3. Members Tanks

    1. Freshwater Members Tanks

      Display your tanks here.
      This forum requires moderator approval for posting.

    2. Saltwater Members Tanks

      Display your tanks here.
      This forum requires moderator approval for posting.

      • aer0
  4. The Specialist Corner

    1. General Breeding

      This forum is for general discussions about breeding fish

    2. New Zealand Natives

      The place to discuss all native New Zealand Aquatic Organisms

    3. Aquatic Plants

      Growing and propagating of aquatic plants

    4. 6.6k
    5. 36.4k
    6. 9.6k
    7. Rare and unusual fish

      A place to show off your oddball fish. You know, those hard to describe, hard to find, "what is it? Is it a fish?" species. All oddball tropical fish, freshwater or marine. Any rare and unusual fish

    8. 6k
    9. 13.1k
    10. 26.2k
    11. Mollusc and Crustaceans

      An area where users can post and discuss Mollusc and Crustaceans

  5. Other Business

    1. 1.8k
    2. 57.2k
    3. Fun

    4. 92
  • Posts

    • We are new to this forum and are looking for your advice and wisdom please. About a year ago we bought a 240 litre tank that came with a variety of fish.   We lost a couple of the older fish at the end of last year.   Early this year we purchased two Pearl Gouramis from a reputable supply.     About 5 weeks ago, one of the Pearls developed a lump on its side that then turned into an ulcer looking wound.   It died a couple of days later.   Our second Pearl then started to not eat as much, not be as active and staying at the top of the water.   We did a water change and planted some new plants and following that the Pearl changed colour.   We presumed due to stress.    It is only the front half of the Pearl that has changed colour.   It is now about 10 days since it changed colour and it is still alive but still not eating and staying at the top of the water level.   Today, we are concerned that our big Red Rainbow is sick as well as it is not as active, is not eating like normal and has turned a very dark colour. I tried researching the unusual Pearl colour change and could only find one reference to it and it indicated that it may be iridovirus. Our water tests are all ok. I have attached two photos of the Pearl with the lump and two photos of the current Pearl with the colour change. Thanks in advance for your help.  
    • We have old fluorescents on our tank for lighting. It is very noticeable how much brighter it is when we replace the tubes! We used to have a steady supply as it was my husband's job to replace all the light tubes in his work buildings every 2 years so we had an endless supply but he has now retired and we threw out a lot of the tubes a few years ago. 
    • If you don't want them loose in the main tank then remove them to a separate tank, don't keep them in a net. You will need to do daily water changes too. Make sure they have some driftwood plus suitable food (zucchini, peas). I have never separated my ancistrus fry as dad looks after them very well. 
    • thank you!  These are great ideas and we were just about to buy some root tabs before my dad noticed the tank light somehow decided to stop responding to being turned off. We decided to make the light period longer instead of unplugging and replugging the whole thing a couple of times a day. The pennywort (which is apparently fast growing and unkillable) has died. Though the lily has been enjoying the extra space and nutrients, it's twice the height and width it was before. Once we've sorted out the light situation and algae we'll try another fast growing plant and some root tabs. It was definitely a good choice to wait for the system to get some stable growth before adding fish. Even if this was not the type of problem we'd expected.
    • Hiding places and shade are the most important. Cold, clean, well oxygenated water is more important for the native fish than goldfish. Research different options for aerating ponds to help mitigate issues with heat and lower dissolved oxygen over summer.
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