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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Which is great when I've found it usually takes a week or two to get replacement parts.
  2. I'd be really skeptical that they're a type of gambusia, they're definitely not an allowed importand even being the gambusia genus would probably effectively make them banned Looks like almost all the pictures of holbrooki I can see they don't have spots, just the odd one they do.
  3. I don't think they need to absorb trace elements, they're not plants. But fry food does sound like the right path.
  4. Up in jafaland? Probably not particularly hard. Hundred meters of black irrigation pipe coiled up on the roof in the sun would do a pretty good job. Might be easier to get a couple of tanning bed lights and throw them over the tank.
  5. You mean you're not supposed to drink it straight from the bottle?
  6. Probably just cause an increase in ammonia and nitrite until it either kills them or nitrifying bacteria builds up enough on the remaining surfaces for it to have recycled. You'll want to keep testing the ammonia for a few weeks.
  7. Shame about the fruit salad gravel though. So many nice options and now is the best time to change it.
  8. Latin name is Araneidae phugliana skuishidae
  9. Now that's a good idea. Get a relatively large tank, say a 6 foot and divide it down the middle? That way you could just have two tiny pumps on timers. Have it pump from one tank to the other for say 2 hours, let it overflow little back into the low tank at the end, that would save having the be too precise with the timing or have some kind of high level switch. Then 6 hours later or so turn on the other side and reverse the process.
  10. Why would you take a chock? I'd imagine a chook would be better.
  11. Oops, no I'm not, I'm at work now. Connected and then forgot about it.
  12. Were his men and horses any good at putting eggs back together? Stupid autocorrect guessing the wrong words, I'd turn it off but I don't have the nerve to stab myself in the forearms and hands trying to find it and dig it out.
  13. Interesting. When I was using NSW it was always about 1.028, while the mid range for a reef tank is about 1.026. The extra little bit of viscosity and weight from the salinity would be pretty negligible, far outweighed by things like friction in the plumbing, clogged intakes, clogged outlets, kings in the hoses, etc.
  14. Huh...Catch mudfish by fishing in mud, never would have thought of it. :slfg:
  15. You mean something like this? If so it's just means they have a swordtail. I don't know what you mean by "are they true guppy." There aren't really any false guppies, that's kind of like getting a mutt from the spca and asking, "Is it a true dog?"
  16. They're generally only aggressive when trying to breed. So if there aren't any attempts at breeding you'll be fine.
  17. Forum? We have a forum? I'd totally forgotten about it.
  18. I generally find it in the mail. The power increase is pretty insignificant. $30ish maybe for a medium sized tank, 400ish liters . Your fish must not live very long.
  19. I always just dangle them over the water and try to shake them out of the net. Then try to untangle them. Then drop the whole net and fish into the water and let them sort themselves out. Usually works fine.
  20. From what I've read there's a pretty good chance noone in the world has true endlers. Likely all in the hobby are hybridized with guppies and the wild ones have been wiped out. So you'd just trying to get the most endlerish guppies or least guppyish endlers.
  21. Does he have anything good? Looking at his gallery I think I could replicate his style using a willing preschool class and buckets of finger paint.
  22. Leopardfish? Yeah, not common but they're around.
  23. Unless you live in chch.
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