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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Confidently should be fine, no need to be defiant. Noone's telling you to definitely not get an FX5.
  2. All I've tried have been roughly similar for timeframes. Let's see which I can remember, hungarians, jalapenos, bhut jolokia, a couple different habaneros, a couple different bell peppers, cayenne, serranos, fogo. This year was completely useless, year before was pretty useless, but before that was ok, I had a lot more peppers though mostly green by the time I picked them still. I think where I am is just a bit too cool and not enough sun.
  3. Those times sound about like what I've read, but nothing like what they ended up for me. I've been starting them about august, it was still a bit cold for them outside around November, fruiting february or march. The couple I have now are just starting to turn red now. Haven't had much luck at all with them here.
  4. Sounds like you have cheap and easy access to wood, so in that case I'd go with the fire. But since you have both I don't see why it has to be one or the other. Have the heat pump set to keep the areas it's in at a tolerable temp and the fire for the rest.
  5. A picture doesn't paint anything. They're inanimate objects. :an!gry Only people, or sometimes machines, can paint anything. Well, and sometimes apes and elephants.
  6. It's too bad noone has invented some kind of chronometer switched electrical controlling device that might be used for turning these lights on and off. I know it would probably cost hundreds, but one day with a lot of research and development and mass production I can only dream that they might get as cheap as $10.
  7. Always good to have one laying around in case of a leak. Then you can have the beaver damit.
  8. It should be controlled by a thermostat anyway, right? So what's the point of turning it off when if the temperature is low enough to switch it off already? Best case it makes no difference, worst case you taking away a little insurance in case it does get warm.
  9. In a centrifugal pump increasing the back pressure doesn't really increase the stress on the pump. If you have a vacuum cleaner running and plug the hose you the load doesn't increase. The motor speeds up as the load on the motor drops. Higher RPM=lower load and lower current draw. Water pumps work the same way.
  10. With south american cichlids they should be fine. Their ideal water conditions don't really match up with african cichlids. If the bristlenoses are fine the clowns should be too.
  11. Looks like a longfin cory, I wouldn't call it a problem. They're not particularly rare, a bit more expensive than normal fin cories.
  12. Haha, Have you had a look at their tests? Test the lux of a T5 at one distance, test an MH at a long distance and then test the LEDs really close. Hey, look, 10w LEDs are equal to a 150 watt MH! Oh come on, if you're testing at the different distances to give each the same coverage area that's fine. But you need to at least mention it. As it is their tests are false advertising.
  13. Ira

    DIY Flourite

    Now that's doing it right.
  14. Why not the FL120? More wattage for your buck.
  15. A small amount of aeration from the bubbles, but the vast majority due to circulating water from the bottom of the tank up to the top and disturbing the surface.
  16. The particular one in that picture was a HOB one, it was full of some 20-30kg of liverock. There wasn't any reason to put detailed drawings of livestock.
  17. Why would you lose the refugium? In that one the refugium was almost the same volume as your whole sump. The skimmer and 2 media reactors were sitting in the refugium but fed by the return pump.
  18. Sounds like you need to make the bubble trap larger. The whole point of it is to have relatively slow flow through it. If it's fast then you're just carrying bubbles through rather than them floating upwards on the incoming side while the water goes downward. Haha, Cool, I found an old diagram of my sump... I didn't have a bubble trap and didn't have any issues with bubbles, but it's a little bigger than yours.
  19. Is the pump section draining because the bubble trap is too restrictive or it doesn't have a chance to overflow from the tank back into the sump on start up before it empties it? A wider bubble trap will help the first. The second, does it stabilize if you give it a few minutes? Might blow a few bubbles into the tank, which would be annoying.
  20. Why do you have the split in the return line? But, yes, the bottom one should work. Or somewhere between the two. Or the top one with less water in the return section if that will give you enough capacity.
  21. How about Kribensis? They're pretty colorful and relatively good community fish. I've always wanted some but never gotten around to getting any.
  22. So you raise the overflow and spraybar in the tank so less water drains out of it into the sump. Or make the whole sump higher with the baffles the same height. Or you run with less water overall. That way the return pump chamber in the sump should have less water in it, but everything else would be at the same water level.
  23. The manual should tell you, or any other site with its specs. To the best height of the skimmer would be a good place to start.
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