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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Get a bigger pleco. Never seen bristlenoses attack anything other than males occasionally fighting.
  2. Ira

    marble convict

    After googling some pics, if any popped up in a breeding here there's a good chance they'd have been culled or used as feeder fish. I don't see why anyone would want to buy them.
  3. Then putting the fish in a bag to take home to put in your tank is more cruel.
  4. Compressed air. Internal combustion adds a lot of complication to it, there aren't any glow plugs, spark plugs, timing devices etc. Something that can run off compressed air is most of the way to an internal combustion engine though. How'd I get into this?
  5. There is no charcoal in ash.
  6. Did the person you bruyed them from have them breed? My jewels all paired up, I had about 12 pairs from all 6 females. If you have one of each I don't think you'll have a problem, just give them a bit of time.
  7. Seems given the requirements to import fish and the volumes sold the prices and variety available are actually pretty reasonable. People are constantly popping up and complaining about them saying, "I'd pay more for XXXX and YYYYY, we should do ZZZZ!" But as soon as someone says, "Ok, great, but we'll need to do this, and this and it will cost this..." Everyone stares at their feet, shuffles around a bit, "Maybe next month, I'm a bit short this week."
  8. Pretty easy to build a hot wire foam cutter http://www.instructables.com/id/Hot-wire-foam-cutter/ If you have big pieces you can cut them down the to the right size and slot them in, stuff any inconvenient gaps with wool.
  9. But then the maoris would claim rights over the fish and water...
  10. The garden light ones are only good for like 100-200mw Why stuff around with the time and materials needed to wire together 30 of them when you could get a single, more reliable panel for a few bucks more?
  11. My god...That's really the name...I checked. :slfg:
  12. Hmm, my understanding is completely different. The marine shops don't order a thing from the exporters overseas themselves and there are only a handful of marine importers: redwood, jansens, Reef and a few others.
  13. Congratulations, your fish pooped.
  14. Anything that you need a 12g to fight off can have the fish.
  15. Redwoods has anglefish? I'll have to go check them out.
  16. Aquaone CFXXXX filters are good. Never had one fail after about some 15-20 filter years, unlike fluvals that I'd went through about half a dozen in the same time.
  17. How about "Carp photography, my donkey?"
  18. 2-3X is really minimal, 5ish is a good moderate amount. 10X is really nice. My tank is about average filtered 5X turnover through filters and about 15X of circulation pumps.
  19. Nope, wifi's 2.4ghz radio waves, which can be blocked by things like wet leaves, are unlikely to see any interference at all from something as immaterial as a huge mass of brick...
  20. pwned by your own stupidity.
  21. I'm not confident but from what it sounds like there is no such thing as "Part of a bigger normal shipment." Each species is it's own importation, requires it's own quarantine tank, it's own tests, etc. You might save a little bit on the actual freight, but you can't just say, "Throw a dozen pike cichlids in with this shipment of geophagus..." Nope, that'll be an extra $5K for those dozen fish.
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