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Everything posted by Ira

  1. How about something like a few Apistos? Dwarf cockatoo cichlids I think might be their common names?
  2. They SHOULD be setup to prevent flooding. Doesn't mean people don't set them up wrong.
  3. Ira

    Water change!

    Used to do it weekly. Late it's a bit less frequent than that...Or a lot less...Ok, WAAAAY less, I think I've been going more than a month between water changes. Very slack of me.
  4. Seriously doubt it has any fuses.
  5. Ira

    Water change!

    Ignoring gravel and decorations that would give you 1/5th, it's not really a trick or anything, it's just basic math. But it doesn't matter if it's exact. I usually go for somewhere halfish/whenever I get bored of waiting for it to drain.
  6. Exact method depends on your skimmer, but...
  7. The usual cement used for PVC plumbing should be fine, I think that works with acrylic and it doesn't leach anything toxic once it's set.
  8. Bonus of this is that you can use the bypass to feed equipment in the sump like skimmer.
  9. Why bother with such a tiny tank? Go to at least a 1200X600X600.
  10. That's just because the "rainwater is rich in nutrients".
  11. Ira

    what is this?

    That would be a link to a webpage, not an image. Looks like a red devil.
  12. It only does about 2400 LPH, so that alone is about 4x per hour. My 440 has about 7000 LPH of flow including powerheads and I'm inclined to think it needs more.
  13. Yeah, definitely not ammonia or nitrite. I tested the water and both were still 0. I've left filters off for a week, heaters off for weeks, etc without any issues. I'm sure a moderate to lightly stocked tank would cycle fine without a filter at all, just a powerhead or two for circulation. So I don't believe it's due to lack of filtration. I think once the bacteria in the filter use up all the oxygen they become anaerobic and start producing more toxic byproducts than nitrates. Which build up in the filter and then are dumped into the tank when the power comes back on. Now when I have a power outage I just unplug the filter after an hour so it doesn't come back on when the power does and give it a quick rinse mostly just to dump the water out. No problems since I started doing that. So... :dunno:
  14. Probably most would die overnight, I think in a day or two they'd have recovered. But if you're going to be switching it off every night you're better off considering it a mechanical filter and just keeping the tank lightly stocked. I don't trust filters after being off for more than an hour or two. I've had a tank die within hours of power coming back on, and that's the only thing I can attribute it to. You could rig up a power head to suck the water through the filter if you're worried about noise. Their sound is dampened by all the water around them.
  15. Ira

    Id please

    Yup, looks like your standard bristlenose. Commonly found getting their heads stuck in things, such as intake strainers, buckets,rings and filter intakes(What's this lump of stuff I've pulled out of the intake and squished between my fingeroh...yuck)
  16. Noone. Leave it where it is, snails don't eat fry.
  17. Ira


    You should have had bubbles within a few hours, not weeks. Even if the proportions are off you should still get something. How warm was the water you used?
  18. Peat moss is a moss. Take peat moss, pile it up, keep it wet, let it rot for decades and then you'll have peat.
  19. I hear they don't get along with Julii cories
  20. Nope, why would we look for a trademe person's trademe listings on the FNZAS? Why would we even assume on the small chance that they're also on the fishroom that they use the same name?
  21. Drop box right next to the search. Change it to Members down at the bottom.
  22. You could look up the flow charts. Eheim 1260 @1.6m/5.3 feet is about 1550 liters per hour.
  23. I don't know if they will, depends on what they're plated with. Usually with zinc, though I've seen the odd one that looked like it was copper plated. Best to give it a light coating of epoxy or silicone, should be more than good enough to protect it for years.
  24. Why not buy an inline heater instead of trying to reinvent it? Or use a sump?
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