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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    is this ramizeri?

    Yeah, definitely a Blue Ram.
  2. They're sterilizers, not purifiers. They're only good if you have green water or a disease in the tank. Otherwise they're a waste of money.
  3. It's not linear, so it's not like 2ppm will kill 50% and 2ppm more will kill 50% of the remaining. Could be 2ppm is 50% die, 2.5ppm kills 90%.
  4. Surprised your test kit even registers that low a concentration of nitrates. I'd have thought that would be about the normal trace levels of a cycled tank. Your tank won't be remotely cycled after just a week.
  5. That would explain why you're always being a bully.
  6. Funny, the unsure bully and the definitely medium giant bully look practically identical , even down to the bits of debris on your fingers. :slfg:
  7. Yes. (Not guessing)
  8. Frag grenade, which is short for fragmentation because it breaks into fragments. Frag has been used for coral fragments for far longer than noobs like you have been playing call of duty and thinking your slang is the correct and only definition of words.
  9. Mostly just become much better behaved. That's assuming you don't let them get away with misbehaving. Puppies that aren't keen on being petted? Those are called faulty.
  10. There isn't any other method available to manage relative flows around the body other than the constriction and dilation of blood vessels. Like LA's quoted text.
  11. Mine tend to be less aggressive after I thump them on the head and tell them to "Stop being such a little *#$@!" Works for a little while anyway.
  12. Mutts? Yeah, I think most have seen a few.
  13. They're easy enough to find. They tend to squeal a lot when you capture them from the wild. Not much fun either, they just huddle up in the corner crying and begging for you to let them go.
  14. Anything suitable for drinking water will be fine. They should be able to tell you.
  15. Could go to an Enzed, they should have any fittings you could want and the hoses. http://enzed.co.nz/
  16. Which only means that now the eggs have dropped off into the substrate getting ready to release thousands of parasites. You have to keep treating until after those eggs have hatched beacuse that's the only time when it is vulnerable. Between hatching and attaching to a host.
  17. Friday being a couple days ago or next friday?
  18. Seriously doubt it, they'd be long dead. Except they don't because they're pretty clueless.
  19. Yeah, "Has the water killed them?" If no then the conditions are ok.
  20. Ira

    eheim diffuser

    Which isn't relevant unless you're feeding it with CO2.
  21. I've had the spraybar fall off one filter and the other's intake clogged at the same time before. Killed almost the entire tank of full grown SA cichlids. I'd still have them if I'd had 3. The odds of a mechanical failure of two on the same day, let's see I've had 3 CF1200s for about 5 years I think without any failures(Vs the fluvals who I've had about 4 in less than that time period). So that's 5475 operational days without a failure given that we'll say each day one filter has a 1 in 5475 chance of failure. That means the odds of two failing on the same day are 1 in 29,975,625. That's once in approximately 8 times as long as human civilization has existed. Not corrected for the decrease in reliability of 80,000 year old filters.
  22. Whenever someone says, "I'm sorry if I've come off as XXXXX" that usually means it's intentional and they're not at all sorry.
  23. Why would I have a second filter sitting around doing nothing when I could have it running on the tank? Only parts I've ever needed to buy are impellers for Fluval 404s, Everyone had the wrong 404 impeller.
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