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Everything posted by Ira

  1. There have been a few discussions of these, do a search. They're not on the allowed import list, so I'd be a bit wary of ordering that. However there is a native species around, it's rare though.
  2. The refusal to tell you how he acclimatised it does seem to be practically an admission of guilt. "Hey, I installed that video card I bought from you and it doesn't work?" "How'd you install it?" "Well, it didn't quite fit so I wacked it with a hammer a few times until it went into the slot."
  3. Remove a few toxins from the water and then sit there and look black.
  4. It eventually sinks. And has the advantage of not weighing much when it does so less worry about it crushing fish(done that) or falling and cracking the tank(Not done that) Also big pieces you can carve convenient shapes into.
  5. Stupid fingers autocomplete, Fixed it.
  6. 1000 liters per cubic meter or 1000 cubic centimeters per liter, do the math. It's 243 liters.
  7. Behaving like some giant chased her around, dragged her out of the water, tried to suffocate her and then tried to rip her lips off. Fish are ungrateful things. :slfg: Looks much better though, must be nice being able to actually fix something.
  8. Ira

    Co2 question

    Yeah, you want growth you need to crank up the lighting to more like 12 hours.
  9. Huh, wouldn't have thought he was any good at photo editing.
  10. It's because your tank smelt bad.
  11. Waste of perfectly good water, there's no need to do that. Just put the water in an open container, somewhere out of the way and test it a day later.
  12. A hagfish. :digH: Might as well save a bit on burial costs when she kills me...
  13. A minute? Felt more like maybe 10-15 seconds, Might barely have even noticed it if it wasn't for the building creaking.
  14. Best not to. Yes. Aim it downwards or towards the glass.
  15. I suggest putting a real rock in the middle. Iwonder how well a good squirt of superglue would melt the polystyrene? Any that's ever melted a massive hole in their brand new foamy RC plane when they used regular superglue will have experience with this.
  16. OMG, Actual RELEVANT spam? All that I get is the exact opposite of relevant. Can you link us to the details for it?
  17. Can the fish sit in one place without moving their tail or fins? Then you have too little flow. Are the fish swirling around the tank helplessly in the current until they get sick and throw up? Then you have too much. Anywhere in between is fine. My tank doesn't have very much current and it's turning over about 10-13 times per hour. It's twice the volume of yours but with two of the filters you have plus a pair of 3000LPH powerheads.
  18. What I'd like to hear is what happened up the road from me, all I've heard is that apparently someone was shot in Whiteman's valley, but that's it.
  19. Heating elements are never made of copper, and if they were the amount that would dissolve in the water is extremely negligable anyway. Most any water heater that's not pretty old use steel tank lined with glass or something similar.
  20. Oh come on, what kind of idiot would forget about that? Surely noone is that stupid, especially when the tank filling up is right next to the computer and sitting an arms length away the whole time... Takes forever for the carpet to dry :facepalm: You can also get similar fittings to screw onto the kitchen tap.
  21. And then you'll be swamped with people wanting you to bring in dozens of rare expensive species, insisting they'll happily pay $100 each. Then after you've spend tens of thousands setting up the facility and brought in thousands of dollars of livestock, spent weeks quarantining them...You'll sell two fish for $50 each and everyone else will say variations of, "Oh, Uhh, I had some big bills come up recently, I don't have the cash now. Maybe next time?"
  22. Ira


    Currently about 30mm above the surface. I assume it should start opening soon?
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