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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Bit of a tangent but it reminded me of something kind of funny. My nephew is a bit colorblind. His grandmother sent him out to the garden to get some tomatoes. He apparently got a hell of a chewing out for bringing back a bunch of green tomatoes, but he couldn't tell the difference. :slfg:
  2. Assuming the second hand information is roughly accurate, it could be the costs he's remembering were part of what's required to be registered as a "Zoo"
  3. About as long as it takes you to get it maneuvered into a good spot in the tank. Say 15 seconds?
  4. Yeah, I agree, the colors on the chart are quite different. I have trouble comparing the color in the test tube to the chart though. They never match.
  5. Which in some places in the US is called a yam.
  6. They kill algae that's freefloating in the water. If your water isn't green they are a waste of money. They kill some of the bacteria, viruses and parasites in the water. But only what goes through it and if your fish are not infested they are a a waste of money. Unless you have a specific need for them, they are a waste of money.
  7. You must be wanting african cichlids or dwarf cichlids guessing from the tiny tank you have? Kribensis would probably be a good bet.
  8. or you could just put in less. I usually dump in about half of one, sliced up, at a time. Nothing left by the next day.
  9. I think cockatoos are trainable the same way dogs are. Greys though are more like cats. They learn what you're trying to train them to do right away, they just don't have much interest in doing it until it suits them.
  10. I've never tried kumara, but definitely the courgette/zuchinni is fine. I'd blame the kumara for it except a quick google seems to say that there are a lot of people feeding their plecs sweet potatoes. So, dunno.
  11. Eh, both are possible in theory. Just no one has any idea exactly how to go about either.
  12. I'm pretty sure that's one of only two ways to place plants. The other being "Watch your fish dig/knock it loose so it floats away..."
  13. I'm not sure why you keep worrying about it. The intake on your filter will be something like 1.5cm diameter. Gives you an intake area on the filter of about 1.5 square centimeters. There's no way that a 48 square cm gap is going to even remotely be a restriction on the intake.
  14. If you run out of wood you can't burn anything else in a regular fire...Well, paper and cardboard, but you'll still need to either go chop down a tree and wait a year or two or get some delivered. Not really a difference. I don't get why people rant about this like it's the worst thing ever. The world will end if you have to grab a blanket for a few hours. Most of the world gets by just fine with heating that stops when the power's out. And in a lot colder weather than NZ's "Gets a bit chilly inside after 12 hours" weather. If you're that worried about it you can buy an inverter and run it off a car battery. The ones I've seen were quiet enough you couldn't hear them in the showroom. Barely louder than my computer.
  15. Yup. An inch or so should be fine as long as there's some flow past it. Nope, should be fine.
  16. He's fed on a healthy diet of fingers harvested from children who don't listen when you warn them he might bite. :thup: (Note that he only has intact thumbs)
  17. Yes, they're all fine. If they do rot you just take them out.
  18. Yeah, we were seriously considering a pellet fire when we upgraded our fireplace. But bought a regular fire because we thought we might one day have access to cheap firewood. It would be nice to just buy a pallet of pellets every winter and just dump one into the hopper every day.
  19. That might work. I had some of mine under a 150w metal halide. I'm not sure it was enough light for them, though.
  20. Christchurch is a lot hotter and sunnier than here.
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