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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I agree with Caryl, first thing I'd suggest is cut the lights way back. 15 hours a day is a long time. Cut it back to say 10am-10pm or whatever 12 hour period is convenient, then try cutting back to say 9 hours.
  2. Ira

    spare parts

    Some, yes. For a lot of the ones you can it's only a few bucks more for a brand new pump, so what's the point?
  3. You mean the battery powered ones don't use electricity and magnets?
  4. No, the heater does not have mercury in it, I also can't find evidence of nichrome wire(The heater wire) being related to chromium poisoning. There is nothing toxic in the heater, there's some other reason her fish are dying.
  5. Is it? Hmmm...No, I don't think so, that cat doesn't look at all like it's falling asleep.
  6. This video is just odd enough it was begging for that subject line.
  7. Bah, don't be such a girl. Back in my day we used to walk for an hour to school when it was so cold you had to be careful not to sniffle because your nostrils would freeze shut. :lol:
  8. They don't happen to look kinda like these? They're called Hydra if so.
  9. Mine were well fed. The only plant they didn't eat was algae.
  10. Hehe, You paid 5x as much for purple dyed aquakneadit, didn't you?
  11. Other than being rainy here for the last couple weeks(Starting 2 days after we spent $100 getting water delivered) it's been warm.
  12. I'm confused...You say you have a severum and a planted tank...This makes no sense.
  13. I doubt it's air then, none of mine rattled because of air unless they had so much they weren't even pumping. Sounds like it's time for a new impeller and shaft.
  14. Use clean water for water changes? Or just filter it out. A big wad of filter wool rubber banded around the filter intake worked well for me, the only thing that did. And rinse it out several times a day as it clogs up with algae.
  15. Redwood is the best one, organism second best.
  16. Here you go, I've compiled a list for you. fish shops
  17. No reason really to paint the blocks unless they're going to be visible. I'd say if you know anyone crafty get them to sew you up a curtain around the bottom of the tank. That way you won't see them.
  18. You managed to fit that Mazda rubbish in the bin? Well done.
  19. Unfortunately, that's pretty much the standard. I think all cannisters flow rate is no media, no head and flow at the outlet not restricted by average length hoses.
  20. Oops, yes, anything THEY want.
  21. All the contracts I've seen said, "Other tasks as required." Which according to the letter means they can basically make you do anything you want.
  22. Ira

    Freshwater shrimps

    There is no list of species that can't be imported there is only a list of species that CAN be. Anything not on the allowed list you'd probably need to have an attractive young daughter and start passing her around the executives at MAF and ERMA to get added...
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