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Everything posted by Ira

  1. That's like asking, "ugly chick, or hot chick? This will take some thinking." No it won't, you idiot! :lol:
  2. WTH happened to my typing when I made this post?
  3. It's possible it's a dwarf, fish have genetic defects just like humans. Probably more likely it's just not full grown yet or it's stunted. Have you ever SEEN the mouths on them? They go back about half the length of their head! I think mine's mouth, and he's only a little guy, is bigger than my 9" long severums mouths! So...smaller tetras could very easily be lunch. Bigger stuff should be ok.
  4. And don't forget to make sure you've got a tight fitting lid on him so he can't jump and get it...
  5. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other.
  6. Ira

    2.2 Litre Vase

    Siamese fighter. *Runs and hides*
  7. *Insert clever airhose+blowhard reference here* :lol:
  8. Ira


    There's the Neon tetra which is Paracheirodon innesi. And the...Ummm...That's it.
  9. And make sure to give him a 30% water change weekly.
  10. You only need about 5 inches worth of space for a metal halide. There's room enough there to fit 1000 watts of lighting if you weren't worried about practicality.
  11. Judging from the womans accent and a few other things, I'm going to say they're somewhere like Florida or other southern states. Those fish will survive just fine there. In the everglades and other places you can find huge numbers of non-native tropical fish given that it is...Well...Tropical.
  12. Have you tried...I dunno...Maybe...Letting her in?
  13. What's the matter? Not a fan of drinking the stuff squeezed out of some big ugly animals tits?
  14. Ira


    I've never found my roof space to be more than a few degrees warmer than it is outside(During the winter). Yay, let's blow cold musty air from the roof into the house. Now, different case during the summer. But then why would you want to blow 50° musty air into your house?
  15. I think this thread would be better in the off topic forum as it has absolutely nothing to do with the website. Oh and google is your friend. From googling "How to make cream" it appears no you can't make cream unless you have access to un homogenised milk. Here is the first result on google for "How to make butter" http://www.allotment.org.uk/allotment_foods/Making_Butter_at_Home.php Here is the first result on google for "How to make cheese" http://www.gourmetsleuth.com/cheeserecipes.htm Here is the first result on google for "How to make yogurt" http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Yogurt
  16. Ira


    Yes. Very much yes.
  17. I disagree. I'd much rather have another dog in my house than another human. Well...Unless that human was a slim redhead or brunette and...Err...Nevermind.
  18. Ira

    water changes

    And the larger and more often the water changes the less of a change in conditions during each change. 90% daily the water in the tank before the change is going to be almost the same as the new water.
  19. Wouldn't it be more of a hatch defect than a birth defect?
  20. Yeah, there can't be any water movement for him to build a bubble nest. He might be trying, but YOU try building a house of cards in a 24 hour earthquake...
  21. Oops, forgot to check it at 12:30, so I'm an hour late. Reading is 6.7 kw/hr, so let's call it 6.5 per 24 hours. That would be $35/month. For a 440L tank, two cannisters.
  22. Oh, around 75mm or so should be enough. It's not like the fish are going to swim under the light and then suddenly explode from the heat. The closer it is the warmer the water will get free heating over winter really... Biggest thing is you don't want the cover glass getting splashed.
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