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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    bio balls

    Generally not completely submersed but with water flowing over them is best. The better airation=better bio filtration. But...I don't think it's a significant enough difference to make up for the fact that it's generally a lot easier to just have them submerged than to try and get them all nicely washed with water...
  2. That's an excellent idea $700 for something that isn't what he's asking for in place of $100 for what he does want. Pure GENIUS!
  3. And the volume of flow(And power) of the UV filter needed to make more than a tiny dent in the spread of the algae by killing the spores would be massive.
  4. Hehe, I want a handful of these from them: Grrrraaaaa Hulk smash Jehovah Witness with giant boulder!
  5. Nope, I don't think it will have a measurable effect on your PH.
  6. I think my parrots would disagree with you about whether it hurts or not having their feathers torn out compared to completely painless little snips.
  7. Calcium carbonate is white, which is the exact opposite of dark. That stuff according to the auction is granite which is pretty much inert.
  8. So instead of a painless little snip twice a year you're suggesting yanking them out 6+ times/year?
  9. Bah, Marlin or snapper...Gimme a halibut any day.
  10. Just pulling them out would be about like pulling your fingernails out. Would you prefer to have yours ripped out rather than just clipping your fingernails? Unless you're cutting blood feathers(Which are newly grown ones) fully grown feathers do not have any blood in them. There is no way for infection to get into the bird from a properly trimmed feather. Google something like, "Clipping parrot" and that should bring up a heap of instructions on exactly which feathers to clip. Little birds like cockatiels and budgies you could probably do it with a pair of fingernail clippers. Otherwise a small set of scissors should work.
  11. Heh, I thought the same. I was going to reply, "You cook them in secret."
  12. Ira


    No. Unless by DIY you mean to buy the RO membrane, housing, and all the components then plug them in. Then yes. But an RO isn't exactly something you can build from cellophane and PVC pipe from Mitre 10.
  13. I've really only ever met one other Ira. Worked at the same company I did 2 companies ago.
  14. Hey, Stop that! Stop posting links to Top RC, you'll make me look and then I'll want to buy somet...Oops, too late...Mmmm...Unijet... :lol:
  15. Ira


    Go to the T something website and do a search for "Metal Halide" Get two of those. You'll have more light than you know what to do with.
  16. Those are good suggestions for still cameras, unfortunately not helpful at all since he said video cameras.
  17. It will have no significant effect on surface algae. Only on freefloating algae which causes green water.
  18. If I ever have kids they'll be named Bratun, Bratu, Bratree, Bratfur
  19. Most pumps, if it's connected to plumbing it's a pump, if it's not, it's a powerhead.
  20. Sure, in about the same way that driving a car in Auckland traffic makes you a rally car driver. Meaning, No. Two completely different skillsets...Actually, the most demolished RC plane I've ever seen was an Extra 300 crashed by a professional aerobatics pilot who flies full scale Extra 300s.
  21. Sounds like you're going to be looking at more like 5000+ LPH That's what I have in my 4 foot and it's enough to get the water throughout the tank gently swirling, but not fast. Once I get around to it I plan to try throwing my pair of Seio M820s in, that will be another 6000 LPH.
  22. Ira

    Faulty heater!

    You're right, if by not working at all you mean still works. The set points with the thermostat turned all the way up was like 23°
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