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Everything posted by Ira

  1. It will vary hugely depending on the structure of the polystyrene.
  2. Hehe, I think Caryl is the local E dealer...
  3. Which is why you keep the bird in a cage and lock the cat away when the bird is out.
  4. Hahaha, Chicken...Roasted...Just about everything else is going to be noisy at times.
  5. I'm a free loadedand fly RC planes...So... If anyone has a Dewalt DC9360 36V Battery pack, please let me know,I would to buy i off you for cheap.
  6. The congealed snot on my keyoard say,s 'Yes they make you sneeze.
  7. Especially after handling bloodworms. And definitely keep my hands away from my nose if I don't. I didn't know my body could produce so much snot.
  8. I agree. We should wipe out people that misuse "their, there, they're, loose and lose" as well as the people as people that use "ur" or put an R in "bought". Oh, and children.
  9. Also known as baking soda.
  10. Obviously you'll be throwing away some bacteria, but the bacteria will just build up more on other media, the walls of the tank, gravel etc.
  11. Java. There's no R in it. And I'd suggest your local fish store or maybe someone in your local club would be willing to part with some. I hate the stuff myself. All it seems to do is collect garbage and clog your filters. I lost most of my cichlids because a clump decided to float free and clog my filters.
  12. Repeat after me: "Egg layers do not get pregnant."
  13. Mine were Penny and Wise.
  14. Which is why in real life Nemo's dad would have turned into Nemos mom and then wanted to mate with him.
  15. Oh man, I thought the Finding Nemo fad was finally almost gone...
  16. I agree, let it eat the pigeons, falcons are much cooler.
  17. Step 1: Go to mitre10(Or similar) Step 2: But paint brush. Step 3: Buy polyurethane. Step 4: Paint on anywhere that's not sealed and/or water could pool. Done. It's not rocket science.
  18. Just about all the commercially made stands are MDF(Or customwood, same thing)
  19. The best solution to small suspended particles in the water is to stop looking so close.
  20. whoawhoawaitaminute...They glow? Ok, I need some.
  21. Ira


    It's copper. Toxic to just about every invertebrate and mildly toxic to most vertebrates.
  22. Oops, forgot I was in there and went off to watch Dr Who and BSG with the wifey.
  23. Ira


    The only bad thing they do is breed. They do eat lots of algae, clear up leftover food, etc. I think they're good, overall.
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