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Everything posted by Ira

  1. It would be fine if the RO was there to filter out bacteria. Which it's not. It's there to filter out metals and other contaminants. A copper atom for example is 0.000145 microns(About 1/4 of the smallest size an RO can filter in your example) but luckily you rarely get free single atoms, they're usually in multiple atom molecules. If you had a bit of copper oxide in the water it would be in the range of double that plus the bond length gets you somewhere around .0006 microns.
  2. Ira

    water changes

    Five 10% water changes aren't as good at diluting the rubbish as a single 50% water change. IMO, just do a bigger change if you want. 25% is a small water change.
  3. It also pays to make it interesting.
  4. Archers are usually sold in freshwater and they appear to do ok in freshwater, though better in brackish. So, I see no problem with the screensaver including them. Fiddler crabs also are fine in freshwater for a few weeks. What's your main complaint? That fish that can live in freshwater for a while are in a simulated freshwater fish tank? Would you prefer they make you pay $15 to put the crab in then simulate it dying a few months later because it's not quite ideal? Oh, you also forgot to complain that the screensaver lets you put something like 50 tiger barbs in a 19" tank(On my screen, maybe larger or smaller depending on your screen size.)
  5. Mine comes out west of Fuente El Sol, which appears to be a town North West of Madrid, Spain.
  6. Just swapped mine over to my 4 foot tank, at the moment it's using about 325 watts. I'll check tomorrow at about the same time see what the total power usage is. I expect it will end up somewhere around 5 kw hours. If it stays at 325 watts constant that would be Ahhh...$43/month.
  7. You're right. It's far too good of english to be real, no misused there, their or they're, lose or loose, bought or brought...There's not even a single UR! :lol:
  8. Hehe, Thanks guys. Your training is coming along nicely, your next lesson: ridiculing everyone that bruys things... :lol:
  9. Ever plugged the end of a straw and lifted it up? Same thing.
  10. I once suggested a cubic neon rating for fish to be used for stocking levels. Say you can stock a tank at 1 liters per cubic neon. 100 L tank= capacity for 100 cubic neons. One neon=1 cubic neon. If you have a bigger fish, let's say a full grown severum. That severum would be 8 neons long, about 5 neons wide and about 15 neons tall. So that's 8X5X10. Therefore a full grown severum=400 cubic neons.
  11. Hmmm...$20 to register it...Wait...Now that I think about it I've spent far more than that on fish related stuff that did me far less good than a fish screen saver would. Hehe.
  12. Why would you want to remove the silicon from glass? I don't know if it can be done, and if it could would likely require a pretty advanced laboratory setup. Andd, being as glass is made primarily from silicon oxide(Silica) you'll end up with...Well, I guess some oxygen gas and a small pile of some other chemicals. Of course a small pile of misc chemicals does make a good 4 foot tank. I'd suggest in your case you'd be better off removing the silicone from the glass instead of the silicon.
  13. Depends, is that going to be a 25" giant gourami and a 1.5" cory? Then no. If it's going to be maybe 5 pearl gouramis and a handful of cories then it should be fine. I mean...I had like 200+ "Inches of fish" in a 100L with a Eheim 2213 before.
  14. I propose that posting chain emails be a bannable offense. :evil:
  15. The warehouse one has a display for power factor. But...It always stays at 1.00 as far as I can see. So it may not be correcting for it. But...It's $15, you want laboratory grade accuracy go get yourself a second mortgage and buy the gear.
  16. Yes, tells you the current voltage, amp draw and total KW/HR consumed. A few other things too, iirc.
  17. You don't need any extension cord or cutting any insulation. You're just plain doing it wrong and need to smoke something a bit less mind altering if you are. Not the exact type the warehouse has but similar.
  18. I think she's referring to the impeller shaft.
  19. There's this thing called triage used when the number of patients is vastly greater than the available resources. Maybe a trainer can help it, maybe not. But in the time required that trainer could possibly have saved a dozen other dogs. It is not an efficient use of resources.
  20. Go to the warehouse, they have a meter that you plug in to find out how much power is being used. It's like $15. Buy it, use it, do a little math. It's easy.
  21. All these people are idiots. It's only worth $20. I'll give you $20+ shipping for him. :lol:
  22. Which is an air compressor(Or vacuum pump), a hose and plastic bag.
  23. I'd suggest a fabric shop. All kinds of different types of meshes, something like wedding veil would probably work well.
  24. Eclectuses...Eclectii...Whatever...Are beautiful.
  25. Vacuum bagging would probably be even better... But that's a bit more complicated than clamps and some weights.
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