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Everything posted by Zev

  1. If it is just for BBS the coffee filter trick will be fine.
  2. Can you collect it from somewhere where the water is deeper and there is no surf? By clean I mean no visible bits floating around in it and the water appears clear if you put it in a glass and hold it up to the light. If you just want to get rid of the sediment in the bottom, you can try decanting it a few times, letting it settle between each transfer, be careful not to disturb the stuff in the bottom. This means you get quite a bit of wastage because you have to leave quite a bit of water in the bottom of each container as you transfer it. Just out of curiosity, what are you going to do with it?
  3. I don't filter my NSW, if it is not clean, I don't take it home with me.
  4. Sounds more like entrapment to me...
  5. Ok, time for some pics: Ramshorn - don't eat live plants, grow up to approx 15mm in tropical, bigger in coldwater, come in red and brown colourways. Physa sp. - don't eat live plants, grow to approx 7mm, shells go black if grown in a bucket outside. The flat one - can't remember the name, possibly Planorbis or Helisoma sp. Don't eat plants, grow up to 5mm, breeds prolifically. I have Malaysian Trumpet snails, but no pic of them, so someone else can post a pic. Others are Apple snails and Blue Mystery snails, some kind person can post those as well, along with some info about them.
  6. Trouble is, Rabbit, that she may have to drag you along to the shop to make sure she selects a female
  7. Vitamin S? Should that not be Vitamin A(rachnida) And you seem to be missing the a in crap...
  8. But they hurt my eyes! Where is the blinded smiley running around crashing into things? Must be all those lights above his tank
  9. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    You slave driver, Sam. Poor Skylla!
  10. Watching too much The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, eh? http://grimadventures.wikia.com/wiki/Lil%27l_Porkchop My kids love that program, and one of our cats is called Mandy because of it.
  11. I am not responsible for the naming of the cat, it actually belongs to one of my daughters, you have to say it with an American drawl and run all the words together He gets called Malt for short, or Hoy, or, Pesky Little Critter when it attacks you legs from under the bed as you walk past :-?
  12. I have seen Epidendrum used in terrariums, some info on dendrobium here: http://www.pollywogsworldoffrogs.com/Te ... riums.html http://plantsarethestrangestpeople.blog ... -safe.html
  13. Phhfffttt... It arrived yesterday - finally! I like the paper, much nicer to read and handle, and the print quality is very clear and crisp. Little Malt Cheese Ball went wanders last night - didn't come home until 1am... :evil:
  14. I would say Utricularia exoleta, the only way to get rid of it is to carefully pick it all out, I used tweezers, but be careful, every little internode broken off can grow rather quickly. Requires patience to get most of it out over a period if time, because you always miss a bit! The little bladders have spring loaded trap doors that suck little critters in to digest them. In the States they grow Utricularia exoleta in little jars or tanks as a novelty.
  15. Damnnit - how come Jim got his before I got mine :-? And Warren has his as well, and he is in the same district :evil:
  16. I have a really bossy Jordenalla floridae, but he is not what I would call a classic looking killie! (bit ugly, actually) Striatum are a good starter, and quite colourful. What sort of monster characteristics are you looking for? Most will eat anything they can fit in their mouths.
  17. Provided they are bagged correctly, they should be fine overnight. I have flown Hillstream loaches in a plastic bag on my knee from Christchurch to Napier via Wellington - they got Xray'd as well! I would suggest you take one of those insulated lunch bag things and not do what I did, though. Oh, and you have to go to Organism.
  18. Zev

    dwarf puffers

    Ohhhh... you have made Ira start repeating himself, well done Some more info here as well: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=43532&start=60
  19. Zev

    Pygmy Cories

    Still have six, phew! Mine are C. pygmaeus Got mine three for $27.00 They are in a bare bottom tank approx 10l with a terracotta pot with Crypt affinis covering most of the surface and some narrow leaf Java fern on a little bit of driftwood. They eat grindal worms, NLS Grow pellets and Wardley Shrimp pellets.
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