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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Snap! just listening to Babe I'm gonna leave you Or should that be Jinx, you owe me a soda? Kashmir is the ringtone on my phone for my husband. Pat Bennetar - Love is a battlefield
  2. I see your tangerine and raise you no quarter
  3. Zev

    Syno Fry

  4. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    Oooohhhh... a stare with great intent, the last one - very serious indeed!
  5. We get white fluffy mould when Miss Nine overfeeds her tank :evil:
  6. Perhaps you have infusoria, rather than green water - not a bad thing, either http://www.thekrib.com/Food/infusoria.html
  7. Dangit - forgot to look on the library noticeboard when I was in at work today :facepalm:
  8. I still think for the size tank you have these Fluval units are not economical. My 2.5kg tank costs around $35 to refill, the Fluval units you are looking at have a specific cylinder that is not refillable and something like $30.00 for 88 grams. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=49549
  9. Do not think it would go well in my tropical marine
  10. Dangit - really like the nudi...
  11. There are two Fluval kits, both for smaller aquariums, Fluval CO2 88g kit, max 151L Aquarium and the Fluval Mini CO2 20g kit, max 57L Aquarium. The reactor/diffuser for the smaller kit is large and unwieldy and takes up a lot of real estate, especially for anything under a two foot tank.
  12. Hmmm, a bit too blue tinged to be a mynah bird, perchance?
  13. He will blame the cat for loosing it... onnagata
  14. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    It was a lunch break - ok... Go have a martini and finish writing your paper He is a terrible distraction.
  15. Saw this at the New Dowse, I like the chopping block. http://www.regangentry.com/featured/of-gorse-of-course/
  16. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    Nah - not cross eyed, evil ratbag, yes, cross eyed, no. Daktari - that was yeeeaaaarrrrssss ago - you are showing up our ages here, Sophia
  17. Yes, the corokia - Gorse is a pest plant
  18. If they are dried I do not think you have to boil it, but it may help make it sink. Phoenix44 put some 'nice red' branches in his tank once that were fresh off a tree, if I recall correctly they went furry and he took them out not long afterwards. If you are going gorse hunting, it may pay to ask permission from the land owner first and ascertain that they have not been sprayed with herbicide or anything else that may not be too good for your tank. And I forgot to say previously - you are not going to kill that poor little native bush are you?
  19. Hi and welcome. Shipping of fish to you should not be a problem if you cannot source any close to Hawke's Bay.
  20. Providing the running gear for the lamp is 11w, no. The main thing to look out for is the colour temperature of the lamp and the depth of your tank.. AquaOne do lamps for their small tanks that are 300mm high and are 11w that are fine for growing plants such as java fern, some crypts and ambulia. This is about as low tech as you get - my daughter's AquaStart320 - severely neglected, overstocked, few water changes, lights don't go on some days, no ferts - which is probably why the crypts have not multiplied. Ambulia got pruned and replanted two days ago.
  21. I do not know about the toxicity either, but looking at the link the piece of wood looks to me like the root structure of a plant, not the bit above the ground.
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