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Everything posted by Zev

  1. I think his fish were squatting in Jennifer's garage for a while
  2. Congrats on the eggs! What sort of hungry killies you getting? You could try putting a sheet of plastic of suchlike on the bottom of the net breeder to stop the wee ones getting sucked through the bottom. You could put an airstone near the breeder net to get some flow in there.
  3. Working bee sounds like a good idea, but methinks Caryl is just trying to avoid seeing everybody in shorts at the rockpools!
  4. Cool, when the growth thickens up a bit the killies will love it!
  5. So shall we have the Friday Exec meeting at 8.30pm, then, Wok?
  6. I wonder if they look like this all the time, he goes to a considerable amount of trouble to photograph them, right down to screens around the tank, lighting stands and the fan over the top to make the surface ripples.
  7. Come on La, has to be stir fried! I deposited me money as well, the rego form will be on it's way when I remember to send it! *frantically searches for old Bata Bullets* :nilly:
  8. errr... that was in the first five minutes of the program, Wok.... :roll:
  9. Congrats - nothing wrong with being the crazy fish lady!
  10. Zev

    Another Newbie

    Hi, and welcome. Where abouts in the country do you hail from?
  11. Hmmm, Ira seems to have some dislike for snails, methinks On the contrary, I gave up worrying about snails in my tanks, except for for the Malaysian trumpet snails. The ramshorns I find are good for eating algae and cyano. If I think there are too many in the tank I put a algae wafer in an upright glass in the evening and take it out complete with snails before the lights come on. Some pics here: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=51028
  12. Zev

    Shipping fish

    You can buy polyboxes from Plastic Box or Payless Plastics, they start at around $10.00 for the ones that hold 2 - 3 litres. You could possibly get some from a doctor of pharmacist that have held temperature sensitive meds for shipping. As Rabbit says, you can usually buy bags from the LFS. I usually keep the ones I get fish in, so don't have to do this. When I double bag the outer one does not have to have the rounded corners, so anything big enough to hold the inner bag that is waterproof will suffice.
  13. More than suitable for killies, I have clowns, but am after someone to breed them who is a member of NZKA (hint hint...), and I think I have the reverse problem to the one I had last time - not very many males :-?
  14. Zev


    Not living up to their name, I hope? It does not matter what sort of camera you use - you still end up with a disproportionate amount of useless photos to good ones :-?
  15. Not Phoenix, then - but he is passionate about Eheim filters and plants
  16. Zev


    The story of my life! I love the length of that tank, looking good Blueyes.
  17. Chatted with some guy in Animates Palmy, eh? Eheim filters and plants - that was probably our Phoenix44 Hi and welcome to the Fishroom.
  18. Hmmm, I think I have seen similar - can't remember if it had the fish in it though?
  19. Nice pics Stephanie Can someone get me some more of the pest fish and plants for the website upgrade? Pleeeeeease....
  20. Oh yeah - post the pics after I have created the flyer...
  21. Don't forget to have a read here as well. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=23675
  22. There will be when the bank account is set up Details to be posted shortly.
  23. Thanks for the suggestions - this is the result, two somewhat traumatised and discoloured rainbow sharks. Sorry Fruju, could not find a nice pic of a Flagtail to use
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