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Everything posted by Zev

  1. You would need to put something over the top of it or it will cloud your tank when it gets disturbed - I use fine gravel about 20mm thick.
  2. Here you go... stolen from http://icanhascheezburger.com ... and since you are so bored - could you find me a pic of some Nitella for the plant search page
  3. You may need to keep it in there, they require high oxygen levels, you could go for an airstone I suppose, but I do not think it is a good as the air getting mashed up and blasted out by the pump. Just chuck some driftwood around it, or a frond from a ponga or something.
  4. Looks good, ID, could you build something around the pump to hide it - sticks out like (ahem, better not say, probably have to give myself a warning...)
  5. Can you check you pms please kuhli loach. Thanks
  6. Stunning pics as always, Catbrat - I think you had better change your location in your profile I like the last one with the birds.
  7. You could pull the feng shui card - a sign of prosperity and wealth for the Chinese, also said to ward off evil spirits and negativity offering protection to the home and the occupants. Mind you, I think the prosperity may be for the people breeding and selling the fish, and not the buyer and I do not think that it will offer much protection from negativity if someone does not get the wedding of their dreams...
  8. I have seen people attach driftwood to an old undergravel filter plate - you could use cable ties and drill a few holes in the wood to attach it, I would probably silicone it a well.
  9. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    Somewhere in your neighbourhood there is some poor kid who is having trouble convincing his friends and family that they caught a fish - 'this big'...
  10. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    I will send you our ratbag - he will chew the pamphlets up and you won't have to deliver them!
  11. Hmmm... I seem to recall a past post that brought visions of LA waltzing around long grass fields with a large net - I could be mistaken though, brain has turned to mush of late...
  12. That one looks like a wasp trap, Nymox - we used to make ours like that and put beer in the bottom...
  13. Zev

    Word Association

    Marmalade :sick:
  14. All that image editing and page layout - glad to see that some things still manage to stick in my brain :happy2:
  15. Female redfin? Just guessing here, but I have been doing the native fish pages on the new site today, and it appears to have the three diagonal face stripes.
  16. That will be enough with the dangerous suggestions thank you very much...
  17. He may have, but yours is easier to continue with! Ventricular
  18. Shine on You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd
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