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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    Pygmy Cories

    *Rushes off to see if she still has six cories* Was there some bulk deal going or something, or is six a magic cory number?
  2. What sort of clips do the pedals take? Can you get road bike shoes with the recessed cleats, because if you can, get those! - I have unfond memories of doing the splits at an intersection when putting my foot down to balance, because plastic and metal clips give you no purchase on tarseal :oops:
  3. Zev

    Word Association

    notes Keep it on topic please people - I don't care if you think you can get away with it just because they are pics of cats... :-?
  4. Looking great - how about Cryptocoryne affinis has red under the leaves and grows in a variety of light conditions.
  5. Bacopa monniera - and when you get it growing nice and straight I want a pic of it for the plant database
  6. Put it this way, road bike seats are built for speed and not for comfort, so shorts with a padded butt are a must, or you will experience chaffing that is most unpleasant in the most embarrassing places that causes you to adopt an ungainly style of walking so as not to aggravate said chaffing
  7. We have a cat that sounds like a set of bagpipes when you pick it up - silly grumpy thing :roll:
  8. Just spent an inordinate amount of time durasealing books for Miss Nine - I used to be really good at this, but my skills are deteriorating, either that or the duraseal is getting thinner and becoming harder to apply neatly :-?
  9. yup - me! Click the email button at the bottom of my post. Or you can have a go yourself, details here: viewtopic.php?t=2406
  10. Happy new year Wok - hope you are not too broke by now The year depends when the lunar calendar flips over, so for this year if you were born before 3 Feb you would not be a rabbit, you would be a tiger.
  11. Do you shake the bottle before you use it? If not it could be stronger by the time you get to the bottom. Mine don't last long enough to change colour
  12. Looking good, wibby. Hey wasp, long time no see!
  13. Are the pailings sticking up on the edge of the roof an anti perch and poop apparatus?
  14. I would be more concerned with how the bucket and 'tiara' got in the tank for them to even contemplate wearing during the evening...
  15. There may be some useful information here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=45004
  16. I am surprised you have not asked for close up pics to save yourself from the pointy stick, Phoenix... Looking nice Ant.
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