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Everything posted by Southerrrngirrl

  1. No... wish I'd thought of that idea, instead of giving away an otherwise perfectly good AR620. FOR FREE!!! :evil:
  2. I had a whole bogey tank. I named it the Tank Of Death. Nothing I put in there would survive long. Gouramis, tetras, barbs, rams, platys, fighters. NOTHING. I gave it away to a young girl who put a bunch of goldfish in it. Bet they didn't survive.. but not just because it was the TANK OF DEATH...
  3. OMG I had no idea they have a word for that!!! I have earworms ALL the time. Lately its been latin type music. I blame Zumba. :lol:
  4. But then it'll be a human form of the medication... I liked the idea of this one because its INTENDED for aquarium use. What are the laws, why are they like this? Its to treat my skinny loaches. I've been doing lots of research and Kanamycin is apparently the most effective for treating mycobacteria in fish. Yes I know people say Erythromycin will work (others say its not as effective) but its different from kanamycin, in what way I'm not sure. Argh.. maybe I'll just have to use the erythromycin
  5. I suspected that might be the case... So theres no way at all of me getting it at all? Even retail shops can't get it?
  6. I want this: Does anyone know if this is available in NZ? Purchasing locally would be my preferred option as the website I found it on doesn't like to ship internationally (they will consider if you email them prior to purchase though).
  7. viewtopic.php?f=25&t=46115&p=501629&hilit=columnaris#p501629
  8. It would be pretty heavy though wouldn't it??
  9. No thats not our issue at all. She's very good at fetching and giving us the ball. She knows that the ball won't get thrown again if she doesn't drop it. She lives for playing fetch. She thinks its the best thing in the world. Ever. Even better than food.
  10. Oh yeah I think I know what you mean. Could be worth looking at if I can't get these balls. I've just spent a bit of time googling and found that the ball also comes in different colours to what I described and is possibly known as a rubber pimple ball. At least I now know what to ask the petshops for.
  11. No I haven't tried that.... would they fit into a ball thrower? I want something that fits into the that. I don't like handling slobbery dog toys. The ball thrower is perfect. No need to handle that soggy slobbered ball. Its also Jayde's favourite game, and the ball thrower allows the ball to be thrown much further. I throw like a girl and can't throw stuff very far by hand.
  12. Revisiting this issue once again. Someone (NOT ME!!!) left the rubber ball out where silly Jayde dog could get at it during the night. Thus, it endured a severe chewing and wasn't quite the same next time we went to play. It did survive a little longer, but eventually ended up being chewed more, then falling to bits. It was a reasonably thick rubber ball, hollow with a small hole in it, presumably for sticking treats inside it and the size of a tennis ball. It was a funny sort of colour, multicoloured reds/greens/blues and white. I can't recall the brand name but think it might have started with P. I cannot for the life of me find another one like it. The retailer of the original ball has ones that are similar but are solid and quite heavy so no good for throwing and playing fetch with the ball thrower. I just questioned them as to whether they would be getting any more in and they were very vague and said something about how they don't really order stuff the rep just comes in and fills the shelves up. I'm hoping someone here knows the ball I'm talking about and can point me in the right direction. Maybe your local petshop stocks these balls??
  13. What?? Twisted/corkscrew val is an unwanted organism? Why was the LFS selling it then?
  14. I agree. I find that it does better when you let it grow where IT wants to grow. I originally planted it at the back of my tank, its slowly made its way to the front and the stuff that was at the back has died off. So I've just left it to it and its now spreading around the right hand side of the tank. Also noticed that it did a lot better after I got new lights for my AR850. I sporadically dose with ferts. Not sure what it is but I know its not Flourish Excel.
  15. Has he got enough aerials on his vehicle?? :lol:
  16. Ihug/Vodafone can be accessed via webmail, but once you download the email to your email program b(ie Outlook) it is gone from the mail server. Think there might be a setting somewhere in Outlook to keep a copy on the mail server. I check my Ihug address from work and wasn't able to get into it at various stages yesterday, but no problems today so far. That said I haven't tried to send anything from it. Have you tried logging in and sending through the webmail Barrie? https://webmail.vodafone.co.nz
  17. Must be nice to have options. I don't think we have any option but to be with Contact here. Thing that bugs me about them is they keep harrassing us for a key to the property so they can read our meter, which is located in the hallway of our house. What part of I don't want strangers having access to my house and being in my house when I'm not there don't you understand Contact?!! lol last time they made a special call to us and asked for a key. My husband said, "no don't want random people in our house when we're not here". The Contact representative said "oh but you can trust our meter readers". My husband then proceed to tell him of a new story I had relayed to him just days prior about a southern meter reader being busted for snooping though peoples houses and stealing stuff. Uh.. sure your meter readers are trustworthy.....
  18. Not any more! Southland/Central Otago was flooded a few weeks back. The Otautau Stream is not far from our house, a short distance further is the Aparima River. Both were very swollen and both broke their banks and overflowed into paddocks in several places. We could at our back door and hear the water rushing past. There are two flood banks in place though so it was very unlikely that we would have been flooded. I have to drive 40 mins to and from work every day, on two occasions, over the 2-3 day period of the floods, I had to take a different route as various roads had been flooded. On the work side of things (I work in the insurance industry) we were on alert, in case we got flooded with claims. But we didn't. All we got was a few farm fence and balage/silage claims, a few cars which were swept off the road (silly people attempting to drive through flooded sections of road) and a tractor that got flooded. Apparently a lot of the wrapped bales were swept out to sea.
  19. On the radio at work right now: Nirvana - About A Girl No youtube linky sorry. Not allowed on Youtube at work.
  20. I have too much time. I understand time is quite valuable. Hmmm..maybe I should sell some of it on TM...
  21. No I gave up. Might see if I can do it somewhere else online other than Facebook.
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