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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Afrikan


    Hmm well then tell me why our house is so much warmer since having one installed :lol: It is like living in a different house since having it put in.. no damp cold air.. it is the dampness that is the killer, and mould, dust mites... gone...
  2. Heya ryan Yeap pics have been taken, I haven't uploaded them yet, have done the one cam card but not both... haven't got card reader in my laptop, so have to put them on hubbys comp and then transfer onto flash drive... :roll: Gee I wish I had never broken that camera port :lol: So keep your eyes peeled peeps, I will have some more pics to add
  3. I float my bags... but no LFS tank water reaches my tanks I am afraid.... ya can open bag and add water from your tank etc blah blah, but I sure as hell would never tip the darn water and all into my tank :lol: That is asking for trouble
  4. Yeah he is Had him since little fellow, he's my fav
  5. Here are a few recent Tangy shots... Leleupi... Julidochromis marlieri.. Altolamprologus compressicep & Cynotilapia frontosa 3 x Tank Mates - Class Clowns.... Bruno Plec aka Rusty Plec.... Grown up from baby... been with fronts from day one of us getting them 8)
  6. Here is a pic of our young male Heck...
  7. Ok here is my Bruno Plec.... I have raised him up since a young fellow, extremely slow growing... he has been in with the frons since they were babies... adapted very well from day one 8)
  8. What a load of hogs wash I would be going in there and demanding my money and threatening them with Campbell Live :lol: :lol: (jokes) however I would be asking for my money back or at least a replacement :-? Mind you, only if water parameters are fine and dandy can anyone ask for a replacement or refund, I take it her tank is good? 8)
  9. The good thing about synos is the fact that they scavenge and during the night they are good for the old clean up, I slot them in the "clean up crew" category
  10. Yes you are right Simian... Hubby had a meeting and was just speaking to a guy from Mahurangi Institute yesterday and I asked hubby to confirm that fact. And apparently the Kokopu are milked, and the young produced are raised to a good juv size and released into the estuarys on or near his property. And it now shows that the Kokopu numbers have gone up due to the fact that these fish return to the same estuary. The Kokopu of Charles is actually breeding stock.
  11. I used to get around this by feeding the cichlids down one end and putting some food down the other, the synos soon clicked on.. :lol: :lol:
  12. Afrikan


    Ok so why would you want to add ph down tho.... if the tank is already too acidic.. ? What was the actual reading? Gradual water changes should up the ph... and not do any harm if done slowly... providing that your tap water is higher than your tank ph, buffering capacity... etc This is interesting actually 8) I have never used ph down, but I guess you would have to use it sparingly.. incase you use too much and ph plummets?
  13. Two from our lot Ryan :lol: :lol:
  14. Afrikan


    Yikes I hope you didn't use ph down.... if the tank is already acidic...? Yeah I agree that they could be planaria worms, I have actually seen fish eat them.
  15. Oh and Columbian Tetras.... we had a nice big Geo display with a gorgeous school of mature Columbians and it was stunning.
  16. Awww they look stunning supasi So rapt we could help out with a couple. And crypt.. hmm I had that one, but I can't recall the name :-? :lol:
  17. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: It is an interesting name that is for real Somebody recently told me that someone had walked into a store and seen the name tag on marine tank front and got all offended over it :lol:
  18. Not to worry peoples it is Niger pronounced Ny-ger :lol: :lol: (Directed at the peeps who don't know what a Niger is) 8)
  19. Sorry to hear of your major loss Bilbo, darn heaters, sometimes more trouble than what they are worth...
  20. 1.5 or 2.25 fizzy drink bottle, bottom cut off, about 3/4 way down, leave the lid on the top part of bottle, tip it up, put your salted water in that, float it in the tank so stays a good temp, pegged to the side (that is what I do), put an airstone in, make sure it sits down the bottom so it moves the brineshrimp eggs around well, and bobs your uncle 8)
  21. Afrikan


    :lol: :lol: The Conch, you could have left the whole undies thing out of it... TMI... :lol:
  22. :lol: :lol: Oh the old screech with excitement thing that alerts the other half to danger when in fact it's a females way of celebrating a new finding... :roll: :lol: Gee they should know that by now Congratulations Sounds to me like the babes are doing well 8) What sort of food are you feeding your Zebs?
  23. I am very glad :lol: I am sure if I had of taken all the eggs straight away then I would have more than I have to raise :roll: :lol:
  24. Afrikan

    start of project

    Awwwwwwwwwww hell... I googled about silica sand and alot stated it was inert
  25. Afrikan

    start of project

    Looks great Is this for african cichlids, I thought thats what you were looking at getting? Silica sand looks excellent, not sure if it will buffer tho, everything I have read states that silica sand is chemically inert...??
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