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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Update: Have at least 40 plus wrigglers, (phew not too many for this first spawning.. as I am going to have my hands full and a heap of mouths to feed otherwise)... :lol: Some are still attached to the slate, some have left the slate and taking off already Had been carefully peeling off the eggs that didn't come to anything with tweezers... before they caused any problems 8) I know for sure next time that we are going to take the eggs straight away, the parents were doing a great job ie fanning them and protecting them and not consuming at least, but unfortunately they took too much attention away from the eggs after sometime..
  2. Heck... where my hubby works sells.. they sell for around $15 each (stock from wholesalers) and they aren't exactly fast out the door... :lol: They must be popular down your way 8) Very nice fish, but they can be a right royal pain in the butt :lol:
  3. Very nice Clownies 8) They look really happy too
  4. Oh I was at the understanding that they were being bred commercially, where my husband works, they have had banded and giants in sent from Mahurangi Institute of Tech... Try this... http://www.nzaquaculture.co.nz/AQUACULTURE%2006.pdf
  5. So what about Banded Kokopu and Giant Kokupu that are legally farmed and sold on to LFS.... is there a problem there? Not sure why Stella couldn't have been approached via PM tho with your concerns, and possibly discussed with her before fingers pointed at her across her thread tho..
  6. I remember you mentioning in another thread that they had hidden away... thought they were up to something, the randy devils :lol: Congrats... let the fun begin
  7. Have chucked thread in catfish section, getting some more pics of them tonight 8)
  8. We got them from Phill Collis when he brought in Peru consignment... They are around 6-7 inches, have grown since we got them, we got a first lot not long after they came in and another lot last year to add to the ones we had. Love them Very gorgeous 8) Thanks for the heads up DavidR, might give that place a whirl... and try and get the IDed, they are awesome tho, they have silver dots down their sides and parts of their body, almost like a seam.... I will get a pic of one tonight tho out of the water, or a close up shot in water.. will try my best with the poxy camera :lol: :lol: Basking Shark, so true :lol:
  9. Prices differ on livestock, it all depends at what cost the importers have the fish at.. sometimes a species is relatively cheap and other times down the track the same species can be alot dearer, depends on suppliers and availability of the fish at the time... It is interesting to see at times how much mark up is done on livestock in a shop.... here I have looked around, same fish from same supplier and the prices vary... It is sad tho when a private or local breeder takes a fish into a store and gets paid say a dollar for a certain species (example) and then you see the fish going for untolds, I have seen this... and thought hmm going for that price they could have least given a little more for the fish.. after all they aren't paying for the freight of them either... :roll:
  10. Afrikan


    Hiya We have an HRV in... excellent, would never not have one after having one now.... The house is so much dryer... walls dry in wet and cold weather.... window sills dry even through wet and cold weather... oh the place is just so different, air crisp... warmer.... Cuts the humidity back hugely in a home, so mould doesn't have a chance of surviving and also it is meant to make dust mites non existant. It cost $3500 for our system, paying if off weekly (yet if you pay it weekly, of course ya pay more all up)... well worth the weekly payment tho... We have a 3 bedroom home, not a huge house. We got the heating option built in too... however we haven't used it, it is there incase we really want to give the house a blast of quick heat.
  11. Thanks Mincie I have yet to have them IDed... I am going to post them on overseas catfish site and ask for some help in IDing them, they are truely fantastic and couldn't get a fish that looks more like a catty... love the HUGE mouth, boy does it open wide!! More mouth than face :lol:
  12. :lol: :lol: I agree Cheesejawa, I prefer wotsit too :lol: And :lol: mumzy, stick and triangle... you will get odd looks from the teacher I am sure :lol: skaffen - I would have more females in the tank, gives the one female a rest... 1 female to 4 males probably is pretty full on for her... 8)
  13. Depends on each individual LFS and what they choose their markup to be... and how much freight they pay, freight charges vary from time to time.
  14. I mentioned these guys in a thread in Freshwater section, in regards to fish that make noise... Well these guys.... make a hell of alot of noise when lights go out and at times during the day when there is activity going on in their rocked off cave areas etc... When we got these, they had hubby getting up out of bed during the night a couple of times wondering what the hell this noise was in our house.... :lol: :lol: Finally we managed to source the sound... them... :roll: :lol: They make a noise that sounds very much like a ship leaving port with a very low sounding horn... pretty much like a fog horn... Anyway, here is a pic of one of our guys... these pics were taken ages ago now.... sorry about the reflection, it was during day I tried to get one while one was out.... Will get some updated pics once they come out of the hospital tank... will snaffle one out for a pic tonight actually.. The heater suction cups came off the side of the tank they were in and the big fellows being active more so at night burrowed under the big Jagar heater and got slightly burnt overnight, so they are in treatment and near on healed 8)
  15. Well aren't you guys talking about them... :lol: Them and their untouchable Red Cabomba :lol:
  16. mumzy - The Oscars are in a big 4ft tank, good height and depth.... just their breeding tank. Not sure a breeding pair of each would be a good thing.... Jack Dempseys can get very highly territorial with breeding aswell as the Oscars, if you have a pair of each.. ie male/female of each in there, it could turn rather nasty if one or both decide to breed. Bilbo - They are both a hard case :lol: They were busy fanning the eggs quite happily, yet they were just far too nosey wondering what the other is getting up to every 5 mins and that taking their interest off the eggs, so they ended up not fanning the eggs as much as I would have liked, so we have removed the slate with eggs and placed them in a very large box bin with meth and a good water flow... Looking good Getting the eggs wasn't a mission, the parents were rounded down the other end of the tank quietly and a plastic storage lid used as a divider so time could be taken on grabbing the slate carefully :lol:
  17. Update: Have taken the eggs..... ma and pa have good parenting skills however, they were too busy worrying about what each other were doing after a while and eyes too much on each other instead of on the eggs... :lol: There are still a good amount of viable eggs on the slate, have two wrigglers so far, some eggs not viable.... of which is common 8)
  18. Don't want to hijack this thread... will start a thread up on them in catfish section later today They are a species of cat that was imported by Phill Collis. We have 6 of them, or could be 7.
  19. :lol: When we first got them it was funny, we started hearing this odd noise.. and one night hubby got out of bed walking up and down the hallway wondering where this strange sound was coming from, like a faint fog horn/ship horn noise..... took a wee while before we clicked... :lol: Will put some pics up of them in catfish section... they are a true catfish, bit shovel mouth with side whisker...
  20. Thanks so much for that djsurfs... very much appreciated Alot of that info above was what I wall really looking for.. I have heard that Aqua Medic were good.... was looking at possibly getting one and then thought hmmm pays for me to ask around first before I venture into buying one....
  21. Speaking of noise coming from the tank.. clicking etc.. We have Peru Black Cats and it sounds like a ship leaving port, the noise they make... they honk... and it sounds like a very deep boat horn noise...
  22. Our Saum weren't flashing but they definately had flukes... Possibly could be internal parasites with the discus, guess it could be either way...
  23. Yeap looking forward to some pics as they develop, nothing better than seeing a newbie af mature in colouration
  24. I reckon they will be fine and dandy without a feed Don't worry about the feeding block, JMO 8)
  25. Afrikan

    Hatching bbs

    I just go and steal salt water from our marine tank :lol: They seem to do a hell of alot better that way...
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