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    West Auckland

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  1. stunning photo(s) mate! I had a flower bud at the base of my tiger lotus, but it didnt grow towards the surface & eventually died. I'm still trying to work out what went wrong
  2. I used Daltons aquatic Mix for my bottom layer, and used another Daltons sand for the top (only had 2 layers). Has worked well thus far. by the way - If you need any help moving your tanks or anything fishy related when you do move, let me know i'd be glad to help out.
  3. Ya dont wanna bring some into store to sell?
  4. died down here, though tbh there wasnt alot to die down! Not complainin though, our shadecloth makes the whole house shake when the wind catches it! Still don't think we'll be able to go outside for my birthday party tonight though
  5. They should be fine. If anything, I would move the fighter to another tank (unless of course you want to keep the bubs!). Not sure about the females getting bigger, both my pairs the male is bigger!
  6. They often do this as part of the mating process - they can have some quite impressive battle scars sometimes! Keep an eye on them, and you may see there fishy "bits" just below the anal fin which will help identify if you have a pair or not!
  7. I wonder how long it is before they make a filter that can give you information on water paramaters such as pH, KH, ammonia, nitrate/nitrite levels etc. Would actually be handy to log onto your laptop and see all that info, including when your last filterclean & waterchange was, what your flowrates are etc. you could go one further and make software that can cover more things like how many hours old your bulbs are, but this would require human input. I know alot of people will argue that its unnecessary, but personally I like the idea of being able to see 90% of your tank paramaters at a glance. I'm sure there are others out there that don't record when different maintenence is done, then can't remember when its due!
  8. Hey all, You probably already know, but there is a high chance of power cuts over the next 24 hours if you live in Auckland or north of Auckland. Could be a chance for everyone to test out their new generators hehe.
  9. why don't ya write an article for the main page?
  10. There's a dog that comes down to our footy training that seems to eat an amazing amount of rabbit poo. Not sure if thats normal :roll: :roll: :roll:
  11. In my experience (somewhat limited mind you) Females guard the eggs very aggresively and often won't let the male anywhere near them.
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