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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Nice tank Luke 8) What size is the tank? Love the plant arrangement...
  2. Afrikan

    Fish ID

    Oh is it one of those is it :lol: Yes well certainly leaning more towards hybrid possibly... the face is all wrong too... JMT 8)
  3. Afrikan

    Fish ID

    Hmmm it isn't what I thought it may have been... the face is way diff... :roll: Where did you get the fish from Naz? Breeder or LFS... and was it labelled anything in particular?
  4. Oh I was meant to say, the meat hanging off the Oscar was fuzzed up, fungus... but the wounds were not.. just the meat, ie dead tissue, this fell off after a while and undeneath the wounds were clean and clear and healing.... Is it the wound fuzzed or just the dead tissue on the side of the fish?
  5. Sorry to hear, a dose of Melafix does wonders for wounds and meaty wounds at that... I had a half dead Oscar that we acquired due to wounds, wicked wounds, meat hanging off, eyes fuzzed over and he was on deaths door. Melafix saved him, the healing of tissue was amazing and cleared him up no end. They are compatible... a good water change and then gradual water changes will see to ridding of meds well enough
  6. Afrikan

    Fish ID

    :lol: :lol: Remember you are dealing with a female
  7. Afrikan

    Fish ID

    Oh I meant the mbuna in the second pic 8)
  8. Afrikan

    Fish ID

    As Johannes said... The second pic.. Naz, are you able to get a front on shot for me... or more side on, front side on shot...
  9. VM I bet you know longer snog anyone that you see from a distance now.. you might want to resort to kiss on the cheek... I bet the DQ thought all his/her christmases had come at once :lol:
  10. Afrikan


    Now that would be telling :lol: I will be breeding some at some stage 8)
  11. Afrikan


    Because cuckoo synos lay eggs when a pair of cichlids are spawning..... as fast as the cichlids are breeding the cuckoos will come in and breed in the same breeding ground, the female cichlid will pick up all the eggs including the cuckoo synos eggs... and brood them.... the cuckoo syno eggs hatch faster in her mouth compared to the cichlids, and the cuckoo synos chow down inside her mouth.... so the cichlid is the surrogate mother more or less....
  12. Afrikan


    You might find it is a cuckoo syno :lol:
  13. No they don't but the surface of the water is best having enough disturbance as adodge said... 8)
  14. Afrikan


    Good idea ryan.... they are great 8) Another good one to check out on YT is Amazon one... real great, might see if I can find them later
  15. That's what happens when you are possibly a tad tiddly and your eye for detail ends up rather warped after rather a few... :lol: :lol: The person you "saw" on the night hanging out in your mind resembled what you saw walking into the cafe?? :lol: All I can say is rather you than me, how embarassing :lol: :lol:
  16. This was our much loved Greyhound Joshie... racing name "Prince Josh". He was a top sprint dog and raced for rather sometime (vet thinks too long ), and did very well. We adopted him once he retired and sadly we lost him to cancer :cry: I miss him so much... :-? This is Madison our old girl.... won't be with us much longer This is her as a skinny old lady... 8) She has been the most loyal dog ever... And soon to come our new addition, going to name her when we actually have her... English Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Pictured 3 weeks.
  17. Farwell Ryan for 3 months... :bounce: Have a safe trip and make sure you soak up enough rays for us over in Timor... :lol: Keep Safe 8)
  18. I had this happen with a large Silver Dollar of mine a while back, actually 2 of them ended up this way over time, however they came right... they had bruised swim bladder, and over a couple or days or so came right... I hope it is nothing serious in your case 8)
  19. Maybe they are just not quite ready for food as you said 8)
  20. He needs to have a free tour of the streets of Harlem - New York.. with his little pocket rocket car and cap gun... :roll:
  21. Keyholes + tankful of africans IMO is a disaster waiting to happen... certain mbuna can cut up rough.. and keyholes are certainly too peaceful to be putting up with Africans attitude.. it is when these fish really mature and get the whole idea on territory and breeding, that will be the problem. Africans are an interesting fish, you can have all peace and harmony going on in your tank and then wham, something upsets the apple cart and all hell breaks loose... and often the weakest link gets popped off, IMO your weakest link would probably be the slow moving Keyholes.. I certainly wouldn't suggest to anyone that your stocking of fish is a good idea, however, it could work for you, I hope so :lol:
  22. Oh I am so sorry to hear this He is a hard case and such a character and I am just so glad to hear that he is alert and able to talk and recognise his loved ones.. My condolences to his family... and a heap of "get well" vibes sent Eddies way
  23. Woohoo mitzy... :bounce: Keep us posted with updates
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