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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Nice to hear from you nimbochromis_freak Glad to hear your frontosa are doing fine and dandy
  2. Have only just managed to get back on this site, timing out is frustrating... Pics tomorrow by the looks. Took some last night, however, hubby has the camera at training tonight.
  3. Yeah I am pretty sure the low dose of salt will be fine... sending heaps of positive get well BGK vibes your way
  4. Oh ok livingart, so salt is ok for them, I was pretty sure that I had heard that.. had to rack my brain over that one tho to recall if I had heard right... do recall a mention of lower dose of salt tho... Fingers crossed for you here that he picks up
  5. Hmm you might be right there Cam... I am pretty sure I was told that you could use Aquarium Salt but in a much lower dose... maybe that info is wrong? Never having had to treat a BGK and no longer keeping one, I wouldn't know
  6. I hope he comes right living art, I think you have the right idea how you have him now, can be such a trial with BGKs huh as they can be sensitive to treatments Could maybe a bit of aquarium salt help matters maybe?
  7. Welcome to the forums Barry
  8. I have shifted parents and babes before, desperate measures, and parents have been fine, I guess it depends on the parents, however, if the change is instant and not drawn out then they should be fine... once again tho, depends on the pair 8)
  9. Thanks for sharing VinsonMassif.. gorgeous pics and gee I love those Kea, what characters by the looks :lol:
  10. Snookie, stop being a hold out.... talk about dangle the carrot.... :lol:
  11. Thanks so much for that Barrie, most appreciated and yes I can assure you, I will have alot of questions :lol:
  12. Once you start breeding a fair few you develop an eye for sexing at a smaller size... I go for size of fish alot, and look for very dominant egg spots, on the anal fin... You will also notice the dorsal will be different colouration along the ridge... males generally have a whitish ridge.. females more orangey brown.. this is how I have sexed mine in the past and worked.
  13. :lol: :lol: Silly africans aye.. now why am I not surprised it was you that made that comment :lol: You're a hard case.. Yeah looking forward to doing something with these little fellows, gee they are gorgeous... 8)
  14. Afrikan


    We have the inline heating system with our HRV and it is excellent, however, since putting the HRV in, we have only used it once or twice to give it a whirl to see how it is, it is excellent.. however we haven't needed to use it, saving it for a real cold snap through winter if need be, just having the HRV itself running warms the house, more so than what it used to be without the system, as we no longer have that damp cold feeling in the place. I tell you how you really notice, since coming in late at night from being out or through a real cold day, you go into your home and warmth hits you, this is without the heating option of HRV being used, it is just the normal system running, all that cold damp air no longer exists and the house is so much more comfy..... No mould... no clogged up feeling, air is fresh... walls and window sills are dry... definately if you can afford it, it is money well spent... DVS, HRV.. anything similar.
  15. I would remove them, I always pick the white ones off before they turn bad... if they turn bad, it can then fungus the rest.... Just get a fine pin point, like needle, saftey pin.. as the eggs are so tiny, and scrape away if you can 8) Congrats mitzy and good luck!
  16. We got our new additons today.... Australe choc Australe gold Sheeli N. eggersi Dageti So they are going to keep me well busy, looking after the little suckers... Our Albino Gardneri are fine and dandy now too, seemed that they did infact want that whole big water change and haven't looked back since, they are doing fine with the lower temp... but it does seem a male has a deformed tail.. tail slightly crimped. Happy as larry with them tho
  17. Afrikan


    So sorry to hear that you lost your fish, they are such amazing fish I have never known Surinamensis to be sensitive to white spot cure, not that I have ever dosed them myself, but have known of others using the med with Surinamensis and never had a problem. Sorry to hear of your bad case of whitespot outbreak
  18. Yeap it all depends... When our Red Jewels spawned... once they were at the stage of travelling around and the parents gave the fry a big more free rein, they were all over the tank.... it is when they venture off, that can be the problem. Blue Moon, are the jewels in the tank with other tank mates? Why I ask is, what I have noticed alot in the past... that if the species is in a tank on their own... the parents are at times alot more at ease and laid back and not having to worry or watch over the fry as much when it is time to venture, yet usually when it is a shared tank the parents are alot more alert and on guard and round the brood up alot more.
  19. It is up to you If the survival of them is crucial I would remove them, however, if you are happy to breed some later down the track with more of a sponge filter set up then that would be a way better option, no doubt rather a few will survive in your main tank however... that canister may just suck a few up.. guess it depends what is more horrible, parents losing their babes to a safe place or having the survival of the fittest out look on whether babes stay away from intake or not :lol:
  20. Oh hmm they may well get sucked up once they are on the move, you could always remove the fry from the main tank once they are on the move.... that is the problem when fish breed in a tank with strong filtration that can suck them in, most of our breeders are in tanks with sponge filter systems... You will find some survive ok, but it is a case of who goes near the filter intake... You could put a fine mesh or wool around the intake, however, some may still get sucked against it if there is a strong suction.... and alot of crud and waste in the tank will end up against the wool too, so you would have to do a decent change over Luck of the drawer in a tank with that sort of filtration unfortunately...
  21. Good stuff Dubbo, didn't think it looked like whitespot, I know of the blemish things you are meaning, very common, and yes can end up smudgy looking after they disappear.. seen it on rather a few larger cichlids... usually fish that have clear/see through tails and finnage..
  22. Yes I grew up with one as a little girl... amazing temperament, big gentle giants but infortunately don't have a long lifespan
  23. Afrikan


    Our house is alluminium joinery, I take it that is alloy joinery? :lol: not up on the play with these sorts of things :roll: Our house isn't old, only around 21 years old... our HRV works wonders, and draft free, so works fine and dandy in our house..
  24. Thought ya had been quiet snookie.... :lol: Looking forward to pics
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