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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. The way I look at it is... a life is a life regardless of how replaceable fish are 8)
  2. Have you checked the impellor? I take it you have, but thought I would just ask just incase 8)
  3. I will check the date on when that batch was bred DavidR, hubby has it on his comp Yeah that's what we have done, kept some from first batch from our 1st pair (same young that yours come from), got some young off Fishbait (thanks Fishbait ) from his pair... and now I have this recent spawn that are still with parents and growing on nicely (parents being another seperate pair)... Once they get a real huge appetite they grow so fast... the youngest lot here have got the real hungry hippo stage and growing rapidly.
  4. They are related to the same lot as mine DavidR, unfortunately the gene pool is limited.
  5. Ahhh that sounds like what it is Stella, the ones I had seen have a grey body... very cute snail too... thanks for that, didn't know they were an import, just wondered what they were :lol:
  6. Thanks for sharing Stella, sounded like you guys had a blast... Neat pics... I get this weird little snail now and then in my garden, a real flat shell, almost pancake flat.... wonder what that could be? Might try and take a shot of it if I see them again sometime later this year...
  7. Awesome stuff firenzenz... you will love watching the little critters grow and develop Our last lot are still with mum and dad and a decent size now.. and they are still parenting
  8. Thanks wilson, you are a legend for posting this.... Thanks Greenpeace
  9. Congrats Dixon and seems you have a ladies man :lol:
  10. It is sure going to be interesting when they afra grow up :-? :roll: He may have forgotten that he has a Jag in there also and a few Texas :lol:
  11. Update..... Have around 50-60 Oscars (it now seems :lol: ) freeswimming A few extra mouths to feed than first thought... There were a few tucked away under the lifted end of slate prior to free swimming 8) Loads of Brineshrimp bubbling away... water changes.... :roll: Pics up tonight....
  12. Oh congrats on getting Clown Plecs.... They are fab little Plecs, I have a female here.. Mine chow down on anything that goes into the tank, definately not fussy eater... whatever goes in for the fish the Clowns certainly find :roll: :lol:
  13. I will move this thread to another section.. I have very large Silver Dollars, they will feed anywhere in your tank, top, mid water, bottom, any sign of food and they are in there... to the point of bashing each other or into things, other fish etc... In the past I have had two of mine develop a bruised swimbladder from doing this..... they would lay on their side, go upside down... What I did was, take the fish out of the big tank, into a smaller tank on their own for safety and quiet time, and after 2-3 days the fish came right... It did happen to be a bruised swimbladder and took a few days to come right. JMT
  14. I not sure what they use it for, but that's where we purchase it :lol: :lol: I have never asked :lol:
  15. Plant store is the cheapest place to get epsom And yeah good for scouring out.... Jockeys have been known to use it a couple of nights before a race :lol: :lol:
  16. :lol: :lol: Little blighters.... I stripped a DB female peacock before sending her off to new owner, and I didn't have room for the fry so put them in Frontosa tank..... all gone bar one, who grew up nicely... gee she must have had some hairy moments in there, 2 big Synos.. Frons.... :lol: Notice it is a SHE that made it... gee us women are tough hehe :lol:
  17. Good Luck... survival of the fittest and you might find he makes it :lol: :lol:
  18. Yeah Epsom are often used in African tank buffers 8)
  19. Get in line Wok... I believe it is towards the back... :lol: :lol:
  20. Tonic Salt is NaCl and Epsom Salt is MgSO4... how is this the same? I thought Epsom Salt are Magnesium based?
  21. That is even nicer Luke, looks wicked and nice size 8) Imsweet, what a neat set up too 8) I miss having planted tank
  22. How much are you paying him to bring things back Tiden ? :lol: As much as moi? :lol:
  23. Afrikan

    Fish ID

    It was the colour that drew me to the first thought of tropheops (before I saw face on shot) The colouration is very similar to a variant that I had seen, however the face is all wrong, they have a very blunt cut off type face.. and very small mouth, almost set slightly back.. But yeah a tropheops X (hybrid) could be possible...
  24. Hey AP.... shhhhhh secret squirrel It might sell otherwise hehe :lol:
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