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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. Photos or it didn't happen :dnc1:
  2. When I had them I couldn't find males anywhere so just wondering really..
  3. +1 for Canola oil + credit card to scrape out bubbles.
  4. Thought it would be interesting to see what TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) people get around the country out of the tap. I'll start: Titirangi, Auckland (water from Waitakere dams) Tap: 77ppm Rain (from downpipe): 9ppm
  5. No wonder he want's a lot of money for it. It is a GOD Arowana!!
  6. Such a great move adding small fish to this tank! :thup: Love the contrast between the giant Royals and the small nosey Sterbai
  7. When I was 10 years old I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't have allowed me to build a sump serving a 750L tank. 2 large canister filters is my recommendation for this young chap
  8. I bought a few nana years ago with fairly large leafs. Since then I have grown them in several different tanks under different conditions and have seen them reach all sorts of leaf sizes ranging from the original quite large to absolutely tiny like the one in your first picture.
  9. In my opinion a cycle time of 4 days is far too short. That together with potential overfeeding is the cause of the high ammonia. Any detectable ammonia will be detrimental to your fish. All you can do now is keep up the water changes. Feed absolutely minimum and hope your fighter makes it. In terms of ending the fish's life I would just wait and see if it dies. Sometimes fish can look in a really poor state and still make it.
  10. Or an Eheim 2080 if money is not a problem
  11. Yeah if a suction cup is all that is preventing a 250L spill then you are definitely playing a dangerous game!
  12. +1 otherwise you are just dehumidifying the fresh outside air coming in. I have same dehumidifier as you and had a spill once where I hooked it up to a hose so it could drain continuously to a drain and I wouldn't have to empty the bucket all the time.
  13. +1 He does a fine job!
  14. I use the Boyu eco variable which is very similar to the Jebao. I think they come out of the same factory since all parts and specs are the same. I have been very happy with the two I have. They pump well, don't use much power, are super silent and have not failed yet.
  15. I have my pothos just lying on top of the tank. Stems go through a hole in a plastic plate that sits over one of the little cutouts in the lids. Has grown heaps and has a nice big bunch of roots hanging into the water at the back of the tank.
  16. When it comes to computer gear http://pricespy.co.nz/ is your friend
  17. How does that work? Did only part of the 3rd fish die?
  18. Google "herbie" or "bean animal" overflow. Only way to get a completely silent overflow/drain. If you are unable to have two or three drain pipes then make the one you have a "durso". Best you can do with only one drain.
  19. Jagers can usually be calibrated.. Check instructions.
  20. Very nice setup and fish!
  21. Yeah it's all about the journey and less so about the destination.
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