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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. I'd say around 15mm only.. You don't want it too deep as it will get stagnant down deep and toxic for your fish.. Cories do love their sand!
  2. Nice! I suspect the geos will make sure all those rocks are lying bare on the glass in no time, hehe.
  3. Have you considered catching it and dabbing the growths with some wunder tonic? Just to see if it would help. I suppose that couldn't hurt. The biggest problem might be to catch it.
  4. Nice! Do you mind posting the recipe for the "fat" and the sugar water? Thanks
  5. Any photos? (of the wild looking one please)
  6. Based on the information you have given: 180x60x60cm tank. Water at 26 degrees. Min temp of room is 16 degrees. Also assuming 10mm polystyrene under the tank but otherwise uninsulated. When temp in room drops to 16 degrees you will need around 285W of heating to keep the tank at 26 degrees (continuous heating) So yeah I would definitely go for at least 400W to be on the safe side.
  7. Welcome back! I remember you as an Eartheater fan so you could see if Redwoods has any Geophagus sp. 'redhead' left
  8. hovmoller


    Looking good! What else have you got in there? A. heckelii, G. steindachneri and what else?
  9. This thread is an inspiration!! Thank you!.... one day... one day...
  10. Nice Jelly... Swim anyone? Ouch!
  11. Great stuff, any pics of your main tank and parent shrimps?
  12. Agree, good idea! If only all "logs" were like that
  13. Very interesting! Will follow this for sure. Thanks for sharing
  14. Nice! Looks like he could swallow that piece whole!
  15. You can't keep that fish in a 300L tank. End of story
  16. I have that exact chiller and I used it to successfully keep a 350L native marine tank at 17 degrees during summer but that was only possible because I had 25mm polystyrene around 3 sides of the tank and around the whole sump. It does not come with hoses. As said above you need a pump to run water through it. I has a plug on the side for a heater so will either cool or heat as required to reach set temp. I bought it from fishstreet. After about a years use the fan crapped out but I was able to replace it myself by buying another from jaycar for around $20 I think.
  17. To me tank size is ok for now if you have good filtration.
  18. Is this for real Ron? How many? price? etc. etc.
  19. Maybe not much help but my Uaru had white spot and that there does not look like white spot at all. Hope it gets better soon
  20. IMO Bladder snails don't cause any problems but are just annoying to have if you don't want them. My advise is that at his point you only have two choices: 1. Accept the snails and try to limit their numbers by not overfeeding etc. because it is impossible to get rid of them. If your tank is big enough you could keep 1 or 2 snail eating loaches that would help keep number down. 2. Start over completely. Sterilise everything by either boiling things or soaking things in 1:10 bleach solution. Throw away the plants you have. And when you start again be make sure that you don't introduce snails again with new plants.
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