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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. Hmm this is somewhat confusing. Ron I have seen the ones in your video and they look exactly the same a the 4 I bought, only they were sold to me as Alenquer Reds. Are you able to shed any light on this?
  2. I used to feed with flakes and NLS marine pellets. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. The trick is to get new fish used to it.
  3. Looks like a good design to me. The first compartment says settlement but with the drain from tank being blasted in there nothing will settle in this space. If you want a proper settlement space you need to add another weir just after the drain and perhaps a bigger area than 200mm.. but you don't really need a settlement area unless you have extreme amounts of solid waste that you don't want clogging up the mech. area. Also make sure your heater will fit in that space (an eheim 300W is quite long)
  4. Sorry can't help with how cold they can tolerate but when my heater malfunctioned and found all the rest of my fish floating belly up in 41 degree water my goldspot was still doing ok.
  5. Just bought from them. Super fast and friendly
  6. Not trying to be smart here but I find that googling always help. Plenty of material out there to read through.
  7. I borrowed 7 chilli bins from people at work. That did the job
  8. Agree that Piha is not really realistic for commuting to town. Also if you live in Piha you will be on tank water (roof collected) and have a septic tank, etc.. I live in Titirangi and it is a wonderful and affordable suburb (and you can actually find flat sections between all the steep ones) + the water out of the tap is collected in the waitakeres which makes it very nice and soft and with a surprisingly low TDS which means it is just great for all my south american cichlids.
  9. Hi there! I remember having visited your website in the past perhaps while googling eartheaters and funny to see that you are now coming to live in Auckland. Always good to have another keen fishkeepers around.
  10. Perfect! Where is your nearest boat ramp/wharf? The further you can go from Auckland the better! :slfg:
  11. I have often just tied a rock to the wood with fishing line and then just put it in the tank and then take the rocks off after a few months. Not ideal I know but better than hiring a pot to boil it or drill holes or whatever just to find out that it didn't work.
  12. See this thread: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=66578 Use buckets or whatever you can get away with. Important is to note LA's recommendation of when to collect water in relation to the tide. Good luck!
  13. Which is why many people collect water from the sea (boat ramps etc.) I'm no expert on saltwater setups but in my experience with a good protein skimmer in your setup and no overfeeding then you can get away with less water changes than a freshwater setup.
  14. I just want to also second what everyone here is already saying. I think your setup incl. water and everything you are planning sounds very good and I cannot see any problems with your water for community fish at all. My water also comes out of the tap at around 7.2 - 7.4 but settles around 7 in the tank because of driftwood and other organics.
  15. Stepped on a stingray in Fiji. A bit of stinger broke off inside my foot which developed a MASSIVE infection so had to have surgery to remove the part that broke off. Still have scar. Now I shuffle my feet when in water.
  16. Now that's what I call service! :thup:
  17. Excellent! How long does that one take to fill?
  18. If I remember correctly there was an article in Aquarium World that explained briefly the process of adding fish to the list and/or importing fish yourself with quarantine facility etc. etc. Yes incredibly expensive but if you're a millionaire with a passion to keep freshwater stingrays then yes it can probably be done.
  19. I have kept my fish for several weeks in those bins before.. no problem at all.
  20. Yeah 247 is impressive especially if this is your first time breeding angels. Well done! Kudos to you
  21. Couldn't agree more Twice a week water changes for adult fish is just a waste of water IMO.
  22. What's wrong with two upside down yogurt containers? :dunno: Nicely done as usual!
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