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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. From someone who went to SuperZoo:
  2. This is an image from their facebook page of what's coming up. So yeah definitely a new remote and lcd display. but not sure if can use with older unit.
  3. Nope.. and I doubt the big guy would have if I hadn't helped him out.
  4. So to those of you who have ever wondered if smaller fish like tetras and such are safe with G. altifrons I would like to show you this. The smaller fish here being a 5cm G. balzanii. I had to catch it and yank the little bugger out with a tweezer.
  5. Thanks for the pics. Have you observed what the fry feed on? Have you got brown algae?
  6. I have these lights and to be honest the sunset, lightning effect etc is a bit of a gimmick. It is however some very nice lights. Great build quality and very very cool that you can tweak them to exactly the colour and intensity that is right for your setup.
  7. Yeah man keep it SA all the way or you might as well add a castle and a scuba Steve as well :sml1:
  8. That's got to be one happy aro.. all that space in the upper part of the tank all to himself (or herself) Nice threat displays by two male Geophagus in that last picture. I'm sure you'll have baby geos soon :bounce:
  9. To my knowledge Discus don't live in the wild in New Zealand so that would be a yes
  10. Nicely done... although I am a bit disapointed that you haven't moddeled any fish into the tank yet :sml1: You can get several species of fish as 3ds files if you search online
  11. Do you find that because of this constant picking up and dropping of sand and because of your prevalent current in your tank that the sand always ends up in one end of the tank and you have to shuffle it back every month or so?
  12. So an endless supply of oto's. hmm... That's handy!
  13. hovmoller

    1200L tank

    Must be quite lonely up there in the 2000L club David Welcome CWS from another European. Looking forward to seeing your progress
  14. Holy Crap! I didn't realise how big your sump actually is until I saw it compared to your dog!! nice! Yeah Geos must be loving it in there, good stuff!
  15. hovmoller

    Fish room

    Cam do you have a room in mind already? If yes then tell us a bit about it. ie. size, floor construction, etc.
  16. Looking good David! Is the sand staying put with all that flow?
  17. Suppose I lived in Mexico City (or somewhere else with heavily chlorinated water. Far more chlorinated than here in NZ I would pressume) and I bought myself a bottle of prime for my aquarium. I would read the label and then use the same amount of prime as I would here and it would probably work. What I mean is that I guess prime dosing (being a global product) would be based on the maximum allowable chlorine content IN THE WORLD (or thereabouts) and as such if we follow prime dosing we would probably always be dosing far more than actually needed. Anyone agree with this?
  18. Are you thinking a continuous drip scenario Henward? I guess you could run water through an activated carbon filter or similar if worried about chloramines. Not sure on this, just guessing here.
  19. I guess you would get water from Waitakere reservoirs? I recently downloaded water quality reports from them and also spoke to them and the conclusion is that this water is very good quality rainwater with relatively little TDS or anything else for that matter. They only add a bit of calcium to help stabilise pH at 7.5 I think and then of course the usual chlorine (not much) and fluoride.
  20. Wicked sump! well done.. let's hope it works!
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