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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. Here's what I did: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=48810
  2. I think I am just the only one who wrote what a lot of people are probably thinking on this forum.. But ok enough said.. I will keep quiet.
  3. Historical evidence. You can do a search on this site if you are interrested but I think some of the threads and pictures have been removed. I don't want to spoil this topic anymore than I already have by recounting those stories. I wish Jaxx the best with his lifestyle block, I really do, and yes I am also envious.
  4. Smidey I think you know what I meant. It's the attitude from the outset of this lifestyle project I am questioning. And no I have nothing against jaxxnz English skills. It may not be his first language but at least he is not afraid of using it and I give him kudos for that. I don't really want to tell people off for something they haven't done yet so I hope you (jaxxnz) will enjoy your time on your lifestyle block and become a good farmer
  5. Ok I will leave the jokes aside then. I'm not sure if it's just your style of writing but it always seems as if everything is a big joke to you.. including animal welfare and ethics. In this thread you are seeking advice on what to do with your land and it seems like all you care about is what is going to taste nice on your plate with as little effort in keeping it as possible. I'm sorry to say but with your track record in fishkeeping this worries me.
  6. Jaxxnz if you are gonna run your lifestyle block the same way you do fish tanks you can probably fit in 500 sheep, 200 cows, 700 chicken, a pride of lions and a few elephants. All in the same big enclosure of course. Please don't treat mammals the way you do fish... please!
  7. Too bad you've got that Aro in there or you could add a bucket load of tetras and hatchets!
  8. Nothing wrong with Clown Loaches.. I quite like them. But for me it would completely spoil everything that is good about your tank David. It's like if you bought a Ferrari and then put some BMW seat covers in it.. The BMW seatcovers are very nice but they have no business inside a Ferrari! I think you have done well to capture the habitat of the fish you have in there now. It's a slippery slope and once you get on it you'll just end up with a tank like Henwards (no offence Henward, yours is just a different sort of style)
  9. That's a snag alright! Great looking fish and tank. Geos look happy as!
  10. The way I read Alan's post (and other online articles) is that chlorine (or water with chlorine in it) added to either a pool or a fish tank will react with organic compounds and create other undesireable compounds that can sting or do harm in fish gills or whatever. In this case I don't think many would disagree that it is better to be safe than sorry and remove the chlorine with de-chlorinators or carbon filters etc. But the question here though is whether chlorine will evaporate from clean tap water if left out for a while. If it does then adding the now chlorine free water to a fishtank would be safe. A comment Alan?
  11. Yeah I certainly don't know what is the truth here but either Alan or Watercare is wrong. All I know is that chlorinated water coming out of the tap smells like chlorine and the more you aerate it the more it smells. I am assuming that whatever I am smelling is something that is leaving the water. And yes I know this is not very scientific.
  12. Quote from Watercare website in the section of how they treat water:
  13. Yep bluether got it. It simply spills out water into the overflow box. If it is set to the same level as your overflow then it acts exactly like the overflow itself and water should pour out over the edge of the pipe similarly to how it flows over the overflow. If the pipe is lowered a bit though then I suspect the flow would increase a lot because of the level difference but yes you are right David in the case power is off tank would now drain down to the level of this pipe instead of the overflow so would need to make sure there is room in the sump to cope. In my mind this seems to work and could be the "best of both worlds" with both surface skimming and bottom extraction. I will definitely try this one day
  14. So here's my solution... Quite simple but will work in my situation. (the shown pipe is an addition to the already working system shown earlier) This way I can regulate how much water I want coming up through the pipe while at the same time water will still go over the overflow.
  15. I started thinking about this after your question and I have thought of a super simple way to do it (at least with my setup). If you look at my above drawings I would drill a hole through the bottom of the overflow box. Install a bulkhead (tank fitting) in it and a pipe almost to the bottom of the tank. Then adjust the male bit of the tank fitting to be same height as overflow (or thereabouts, can be adjusted). This way water will still go over the overflow and skim the surface but at the same time you will be able to decide how much of the water is pushed up through the pipe from near the bottom. I will go draw it. Much easier to understand a picture.
  16. All I know is that if I am to believe the graph on the box of my pump it delivers around 4000lph at the head height I have and on my 25mm outlet line I have to close the ball valve slightly so it takes 99% of flow. I have not compared that to the MFK numbers. You will need enough flow around the tank to suspend crap into the water so it can get removed at the overflow at the surface (harder to achieve than if you have pickup at the bottom but not impossible In theory yes but you would need an area in front of the overflow to be separated from the rest of the tank with a pipe going to the bottom. This way it would draw water from near the bottom and go up and over the overflow. I am thinking of including this in future setups but haven't really worked out a good design for it yet.
  17. :thup: What's the verdict? Nice?
  18. A "Herbie" overflow is what I did on my 800L tank. It is completely silent. I thoroughly recommend doing it this way. These are 25mm fittings.. will easily cope with 4000L/hr
  19. For simple quality, efficiency and silent operation I don't think anything beat the Eheim professional series (1,2 or 3) I've managed to get some 2nd hand Eheim 2228 (rated for 600L i think) on TM for around 100-150$ a while back
  20. I wonder if they say the same about you :sml1:
  21. That would do absolutely diddley squat to a 200L tank. If you insulate back and sides of your tank and get a 200W chinese chiller online for around $400 then you can keep temp under 18-20deg during summer which is what the critters need. Do it right or don't do it I say.
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