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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Could be the type of food they were fed, disease, or water quality. Without more details it is hard to say.
  2. I assume you also don't have breasts. They shorten the distance you can reach into a tank considerably :lol:
  3. Caryl


    Where in Marlborough are you heading? Perhaps we can set up a temporary tank here for you? Or hang your filters on my 4ft to keep the bacteria alive.
  4. Are they blowing extra bubbles? :roll:
  5. Not sure when those fish started to be called lambchop rasboras. They look like Hengeli rasboras to me. A beautiful fish. Like a small, more colourful, harlequin.
  6. We have 5 vehicles - they just won't fit in the garage. One of the MX5's does now though I must say the reaction from the inspector was odd and I would be querying his boss.
  7. I thought that was you in your avatar living art! 8)
  8. Caryl

    leopard fish

    If they're males it will take longer for them to mature than the females (if at all) :lol:
  9. Here is our garage - after it was cleaned out :lol: Luckily we own our own house so don't get inspected.
  10. We have several hundred temporary vineyard workers here at the moment. You walk the streets and hear all sorts of different languages. Very interesting.
  11. That treatment has been used by psoriasis suffers in Europe and said to be very beneficial.
  12. Caryl

    Dying fish sticky

    Good grief! I have been searching for ages! I LOOKED THERE :roll: Thanks mitzy. Perhaps I need glasses after all :lol:
  13. There used to be a sticky entitled Why Do My Fish Die? (or maybe fry, or similar words) by Pegasus. Anyone know where it is? I can't find it.
  14. Visited the cops at lunchtime and they think it should be fine as the keys were handed in pretty promptly. They think it was "grab any cash and run" without further thought. Hope they're right!!
  15. I couldn't run mine that long as it blocked. Lots of plant matter and barbs :roll: (meaning the barbs nibbled the plant matter, not that the barbs, too, blocked the filter :lol: )
  16. Caryl

    New Pics

    Hmmm time to upgrade the camera methinks!
  17. I have a lot of goldfish look like that except white and red. It doesn't last as they change colour as they age.
  18. So an UM is the opposite of a MU? :lol:
  19. Both our 404s were hard to get the top off. Even the new "improved" model. The new one you just flipped the little handle to shut off the water and removed the bit with the taps on. The you took the rest off - if you could. We cleaned out the Jebo last night (been about 12 months since last clean-out) as I am setting up the second one to use on the hospice tank we are organising. I thought I would take half the baskets from the one running and swap them with half in the new and have 2 cycled filters. I got 3/4 of a 2L ice cream container full of gunk from the filter but the spray bar had still been returning a good water flow.
  20. Brad I don't have my address on my licence. BUT... I did have an envelope with my address on it as I had a letter and book in the bag ready to post to a friend and the envelope had her address on the back of it. Obviously the thieves didn't think long and hard as they discarded the keys very quickly before realising they had access to my house, work and vehicles! I had rung my neighbour and asked her to keep an eye out on my place (there are just 2 of us up a back section) Apart from getting the keys back, nothing else has turned up. I spent some time searching rubbish bins around the area but no luck. I also have park staff and council cleaning crews keeping an eye out for the bag but it has rained steadily all weekend so not much use to me if they do get the rest back I was concerned they might have had other keys cut then dropped the others to give me a false sense of security then a couple of weeks later hit the house but my daughter reckons I am crediting them with too much intelligence to do that! Besides, there were quite a few keys so it would cost them a lot to have spares cut! It cost me $6.50 to replace the work key (before the originals were handed in)
  21. Fingers crossed they can help her.
  22. Yeah, give his little tortured insides a rest :lol: Just saw a programme on TV where they had a fancy goldfish that permanently swam upside down so they surgically attached a cork on a string to his back to keep him upright!
  23. I have had the Jebo 2 yrs now. Very quiet. I have to put my hand on it to feel the slight vibration so check it is running. I have only cleaned it twice and that was easy. I have used Fluval 404s but hate pulling them to bits for cleaning as it usually took 2 of us to pull them apart. Also buggers to start again. They also had a tendency to block easily so required regular maintenance every month or so as the water flow dropped dramatically.
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