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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Either get more females or get rid of 3 males. The poor female will be killed. Can you separate her and treat her away from the males?
  2. Stress, usually poor, or incorrect, water conditions. What sex ratio are your guppies? Is the female being harassed too much by the males? You should have 3 or 4 females per male.
  3. You cannot compare smoking to eating habits and other things that kill you. Why should non smokers suffer health problems and die early from breathing in others' smoke?
  4. Caryl

    clown question

    Here are some more pics of Sally's inhabitants Hugo and Toby Getting the stand done
  5. My brother was a 2 pack a day smoker for 25 years. He didn't care about the health risk as he said you have to die of something. The thing that made him quit was the cost. He realised he had smoked the equivalent of a new car so stopped cold turkey and very soon got the car he wanted.
  6. We live in a more civilised area than Auckland so don't have many power cuts, especially long ones My tank is built into a large wall unit so is totally enclosed on all sides except the front so holds its heat very well. I would put poly up on front of it and heat water, if required, on the gas BBQ. Have also got a large battery that will keep the filter and stuff running for several hours.
  7. It is the rest of the title that has me curious :-?
  8. Caryl

    clown question

    Plastered again Sally? I would offer to help but am getting over a heavy cold. You don't need my bugs as well!
  9. Caryl

    what size tank

    I don't think the rooms in the halls of residence are wide enough though
  10. So have you made a decision yet reef? Whatever you get, a newer, cheaper, faster, better, one will come out the next week :lol:
  11. As one who loathes cigarette smoke, and married to an asthmatic, I appreciate we can now enjoy evenings in restaurants and bars without our health being severely affected (we gave up going out at one point as it so often meant we had to leave early as Grant, literally, couldn't breathe because of the smoke). I also think if a bar or restaurant chooses to set up a room specifically for smokers they should be allowed to. In Ye Olde Dayes they had separate smoking rooms everywhere. My pet hate is why do smokers think it is acceptable to stub out, or throw, their butts anywhere they like?
  12. What makes it cute? :lol: Sorry suphew, that made me giggle and since I have been at home, sick, I needed a giggle. :roll:
  13. Caryl

    what size tank

    Minchton, wilson already has a marine tank. I think you will find he is looking at possible options of what he can have in his room at uni as he will be a bit cramped for space.
  14. Alanmin4304 in here usually has a good selection of plants. Send him a PM.
  15. Just ask. Motels have a no pets policy but we often have Bud with us (as Nelson conference goers can attest) and have never had a complaint as they think he stays safe in his cage As long as you do not let your fish out you should be fine :lol:
  16. I have seen this in different fish but do not know the specific cause. Could be disease or perhaps damage from being hit in the wrong place. Not sure there is anything you can do for it. If it appears to be otherwise healthy, can keep up enough to get food, is feeding well and fins are still erect I would leave it. If it looks like it is suffering in any way I would euthanase it.
  17. A reminder to please note that your club capitations and YB levy are supposed to be to the FNZAS treasurer BEFORE JULY 10th. Also note the treasurer has moved since the last YB was printed so don't send them to the address listed there! They go to; Make sure your club list details are up to date too as each year I have several addresses I KNOW are wrong! Please don't leave all this until the last minute. It is hard enough getting the AW printed but to have to format and print a YB (usually with only 2 days left) is very stressful. I am considering not adding any clubs who do not send the information in on time. This will save the FNZAS a lot of money (and me time) as we will not need so many pages. Instead, there will be a big sign, under the club heading, saying "The officials for this club did not do their job, or the members did not pay their club subs in time so there is no information on this club"
  18. Thank you Zev, you took the words out of my mouth! ALL CLUB SECRETARIES please note this reminder that your club capitations and YB levy are suuposed to be to the FNZAS treasurer BEFORE JULY 10th. Also note the treasurer has moved since the last YB was printed so don't send them to the address listed there!
  19. Caryl

    clown question

    Send the pics to me and I will upload them if you like Sally.
  20. If fishboy isn't in NZ he is going to be confused :-? :lol:
  21. Caryl

    clown question

    These might be the clowns Sally is referring to (they are certainly hers anyway!)
  22. Well I have at least 5 adult males and only 2 girls in mine :-?
  23. I get my driftwood from the Hokitia river mouth. It has drifted so far by the time it gets there it is already waterlogged and sinks with no problem. Lovely native rata and rimu. Best time to go is after heavy rains.
  24. Possible internal injuries from fight? May have been more than slight harassment.
  25. One of our members made a backing sheet for her freshwater tropicals, scooping out caves etc spreading silicone on it and adding gravel and sand to it. Looked great and never had a problem with toxicity. Make sure the silicone used is aquarium safe.
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