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  1. In that case, Lion Mountain Oysters anyone??? 8)
  2. Keeping in mind that MAF regularly troll this, and other local forums, they no doubt have already read your post.
  3. Congrats Grant, that is awesome news.
  4. I don't see any difference to keeping a Betta in a Bottle in a tank. You still keep the fish healthy and growing. I don't think there would be much risk of the middle breaking. I personally don't like the idea of small Betta Barracks, but that is JMHO.
  5. There is no reason you can't use the nylon cotton dude. Seeing as you have already bought it.
  6. So I take it your favourite colour is....Green? lol
  7. In Your Opinion BikBok. A whole lot of people in the world state that very same opinion when shooting a gun. It is controlled therefore alright. You keep repeating yourself also. Violence is violence. And you will keep on repeating yourself justifying a violent act because you accept that this form of violence is acceptable and needed.
  8. You can get plastic slots that stick to the glass with suction cups for a few dollars. Just ask at your LFS. It is really simple.
  9. If you have not already got the timber, then 100x100mm is often cheaper than 2"x4" fyi. Plus would be a stronger frame.
  10. I think people who misquote the bible or any other moralistic document for their own cause are very misguided and manipulative. I think using an act of violence, albeit a 'mild' act, as a form of discipline is wrong. We have laws against ANY form of assault that all adults are held to. Hitting the small and vulnerable kids is wrong imo. Like some one mentioned: the military hold their members to the highest form of discipline and they don't beat their trainees every time they step out of line, they discipline them. IMHO resorting to violence shows up a lack of parenting skills rather than proving you are a good parent. Hitting = Violence no matter what name you plaster on the act itself. And I am in no way talking of abuses suffered by poor innocent children.
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