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    nz aucks

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Why is my tank starting to grow a green hairy slime on every thing
  2. the male is red and female is light blue fin type ?
  3. how long will it take my fry to grow there about 1 week old now so small
  4. they have hatched got lots of free swiming fighters 8)
  5. ok he has breed again with my other female looks like 100+ eggs in the nest he is cleaning them and guarding them i cant wait till they hatch 8) 8) :bounce: :bounce:
  6. i cant see any eggs today i think he has eaten them all
  7. hey its clint from aucks breeding fighters 3 tanks 160l 40l 30l and lots of jars 8)
  8. what do i do now, what do i feed them ,do i leave them in the same tank,looks like about 100+ eggs ,
  9. yeah my fighter has layed her eggs and ive put her back into the main tank ive left the male in the small tank to clean the eggs 8)
  10. i just checked and it wipes off the plants is there anything i can do to get rid of it
  11. ok how do i get rid of it
  12. why are my plants starting to turn brown on the edges and the glass is getting little brown spots on the glass :-?
  13. can someone please anwser me
  14. ok he made a small nest last night by the heater but it all gone now that a swaped the female over what do i do now wait and try again do i leave them togetter help me
  15. yeah she is blue but my other one was red now its gone pale lost its colour
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