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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Welcome. You do get strange looks from people who are not fish oriented :roll: I myself don't understand why some carry on about their dogs or cats. I like them as animals but they are not little furry people!
  2. and it is such a pretty colour
  3. Caryl

    new to forum

    Mine get resized to 640 x 480 then saved as medium which makes them about 80kb, give or take 20 or so kb. That is a good size. Yours looks like you have made them too small, pixel-wise.
  4. I use daylight and bright white (depending on brand) tubes and get them from electrical wholesaler. About $5 - $7 from memory
  5. Will do so for you both. I will also have 2 pieces of cake on your behalf Plus Grant just got called out so I wil have to eat his too. :roll:
  6. Caryl

    Just saying hi.

    There's quite a few of us older than you Ranger We are oldies but goodies 8) :lol:
  7. Caryl

    new to forum

    Read the 3rd sticky from the top in the Freshwater section. Welcome.
  8. What sort of filter have you got and how often do you clean it and do water changes? Don't forget your fish will have grown since the tank was set up so the load on the filter increases over time. I just cleaned out my Jebo 819 after about 12 months running. Got 3/4 of a 2L ice cream container full of gunk out of it. Water flow had still been good. I was just curious to see how gunky the filter was. Didn't over clean it though as that would destroy too much of the beneficial bacteria living in the gunk.
  9. Grant started to download Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory once. Luckliy it hadn't got far when he had a quick look to check the quality. Lots of willies but no chocolate in it!! :roll: :lol:
  10. Yes we do goldfish. Frostwire works the same (and looks the same) as Limewire but doesn't have the malware
  11. Our meeting tomorrow will be at 2pm at Joe's house, 173 Scott St. Blenheim. Topic for discussion - Why Fish Die Drinks and food on offer! 8) All welcome :bounce:
  12. Biscuits! Huh, at our meeting tomorrow we are getting freshly made carrot cake (those at conference will remember that recipe - if they were lucky enough to grab a slice before it was all gone) :lol:
  13. Lovely sunny day here in Blenheim 8) ...NOT Cold and overcast but no wind or rain. Only got to 6C :-? Manged to get 3 loads of washing hung out and dried.
  14. The God of us Pastafarians You have not heard of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?? http://www.venganza.org/ Can't say any more as religion is not to be discussed in these forums :lol:
  15. It is sudden changes in pH that cause more problems rather than "incorrect" pH. Many fish these days are captive bred and have no idea they are supposed to be living in a different pH! 8) My Africans were all born and raised in 7.2pH as that was what the ChCh water was where the breeder lived. When I got them home they lived in 7.0 as that is what my tap water was. Again, they bred in this and seemed very happy.
  16. Reminds me of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his noodly appendage :lol:
  17. Offer it for sale and it will probably all die off overnight! :lol:
  18. http://badmanstropicalfish.com/disease.html Have a look here at Gas Bubble Disease and see if it fits.
  19. Could it have burned iteslf on the heaterstat?
  20. I have never had a problem with aggressive males. Are you able to increase the number? This should help. They are a shoaling fish so the more you have the better behaved they will be.
  21. ChCh is ideal for fish keeping generally. pH is altered by driftwood and peat (lowers), fish (bigger fish will tend to lower pH) and some rocks, like limestone, and shells (raise pH).
  22. Just plug it back in and let the temp warm up at that pace
  23. Caryl

    Just saying hi.

    Hi Ranger. Plenty of fish keepers near you too.
  24. Eventual adult size is mostly determined by how much they were fed as they were growing. If the fry were not fed enough it will permanently make them smaller, not matter what they eat as adults.
  25. I think some of the fancier goldfish can be permanently damaged and always have trouble swimming up the right way. Since the fish was otherwise healthy and was not in pain (as far as anyone could tell) the owner decided the cork was a compromise - and it worked.
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