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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Attend the next meeting and ask face to face then They are good people in that club and only to happy to help or point you in the direction of someone who can.
  2. The males are thinner and more brightly coloured, with a red stripe through the middle of them, and mine are spawning continually in the community tank. Boys look like this and girls are like this... If you can't tell the difference I suggest you either have all the one sex, or your males are not yet ready to breed. All they need is a heavily planted tank to spawn in and away they go. Best results I ever got was when I set up (over summer) a $24 solid sided round paddling pool (183cm x 38cm) from The Warehouse, and filled it with water and heaps of oxygen weed hauled out of the local river. Some of the weed was left to float but most was anchored, in bunches, by rocks. Let it sit a week or two to heat up and live food to fall in then add the fish (I had about 6 from memory - a couple of males and the rest females. I then left them over summer and then emptied to pond, netting all the fish at the end. Hundreds of 'em! They grow much bigger, faster, and more colourful outside in a pond too
  3. Judy is a member of DAPS. Ring Gordon Judy. He ought to be able to help, or suggest someone else who can
  4. "Bruises" sounds like internal bleeding :tears:
  5. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Went for my CT scan guided nerve root injection today but the radiologist said the scans were not clear enough and recommended I say no the injection as there was only a 50% chance it would work. He said I should have had an MRI scan first so now I have to wait a week to go back to the orthopaedic surgeon to get his referral for one. I will have to go to Nelson or ChCh for it as we do not have one here. Surgeon only sees people 2 days per week, hence the wait. I will go over tomorrow and ask why I have to see him again and why can't he just do the damned referral!! :an!gry I figure the radiologist is the one to listen to, especially as this orthopaedic surgeon does not do backs (saw him though as he had the shortest waiting list). I thought, at the original appt with him, he told me I had to have an MRI and was confused when I got an appt for a CT. When I queried it I was told I had to have the CT first. Apparently if I lived just about anywhere else there would have been no question that I would have the MRI first. :roll: One of the disadvantages of living in a small town with limited medical facilities. :evil: Ah well, Joe will have to empty my spare tank himself if he wants to use it Small tank, next to sink, 5 minute job at most 8)
  6. I have never had any meds "on hand". Rarely had a problem that required them. Touch wood. :tears:
  7. Caryl

    Hey all :)

    It is a good family hobby everyone can enjoy
  8. Stuff i could use :lol: That varies from person to person
  9. Just give us a ring to arrange a time to pick it up Joe. It is the one in the bathroom so you will have to empty it first (won't take a minute).
  10. Caryl

    Jumping fish

    Mine never hit the lid and when the water is at its highest, there is a 4cm gap between water surface and lid.
  11. When people are new to a site they don't always think to look at the date of previous posts. His comment is no less valid now than it would have been then.
  12. I have a spare tank etc here Joe.
  13. I'm wondering if you are right there with it being an anchor worm. Google some images Joe (now you have broadband) and see if they match. They appear to to me but my eyesight isn't the best.
  14. This meeting has been postponed until October 2nd 8) All other details stay the same. :happy2:
  15. Sounds to me like you are already full of it Anthony :sml1:
  16. Lucky! Some people have no respect for others' property :an!gry
  17. :happy2: :happy1: Excellent news Stella and a most excellent book too!
  18. Chocolate Salty Balls - Chef from South Park 8)
  19. If you read any of Stella's posts, you will see her sig at the bottom say... My book is now available! "The New Zealand Native Freshwater Aquarium" 126 pages, 80 colour photos, $35 - drop me a PM if you want a copy! Facebook: 'New Zealand Native Fish' picasaweb.google.com/nznativefish and youtube.com/nznativefish
  20. Gotta be a same word, not one like it
  21. Hmm pics are showing now :dunno:
  22. Caryl

    New Killi Tanks

    I have the same problem as your other post. It appears to be trying to load images but all I get is 5 lines with the word "Image" on them :-?
  23. Hmmm I can't see anything except 9 lines of the word "Image" :dunno:
  24. The thermostat is wired in. I too have an under tank heat pad like Alan's. I also have the directions for making them from scratch but take no responsibility if something goes wrong. You need electrical knowledge to do it. PM me if you want the instructions.
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