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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. The most popular club night the Marlborough Aquarium Club had was when we gave a practical demonstration on how to set up a fish tank from scratch. If this sounds too basic, why not discuss how to set up a specific theme tank? I hope to get an African tank started soon and will set it up during a club meeting, with help and advice from fellow members. Of course, I bet when it wins our annual tank competition everyone who helped will say it isn't fair and demand winning rosettes for their efforts too
  2. The FNZAS plant survey book is not currently available electronically. I would have to get permission to do something like that but will keep the thought in mind. The subject will be brought up at conference (I hope)
  3. I like the idea Cees but fear you keep getting too technical for the simple-minded. What is 'admin interface online' 'open source package' or mysql/php? The last one sounds painful! I also see the BBCode buttons below but don't know if they have to be used or not. I will hope not and now click on Submit and see what happens. Anyone new to computing will find all these options a bit intimidating.
  4. 11 hits on this Forum and no replies? Come on people, get your finger out and start typing!
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