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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Weather loaches are banned in NZ Jim
  2. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I am laughing cos my sister's partner has a dog (lab/rotty X I think) and he just ate her brand new dentures. I know it is not funny as they were very expensive, she has just finisahed paying them off, and is heading away for a week's holiday tomorrow but... :rotf: :sml1: On another happy note, I am also laughing as I got my appointment to see the orthopaedic surgeon to discuss my back surgery :happy2: Happily, it is a couple of days before the exec meeting so we can go to ChCh, see the surgeon, spend next day at the ChCh Show then the exec meeting the next day. All in the one trip! :happy1: Hopefully this means the surgery will be done before Christmas - depending on ACC.
  3. Do not feed worms every day. The fish will decide not to eat anything else and it is more expensive too! I don't think it is good for them either - a bit like feeding your kids McD's ever day. :roll:
  4. I would like to remind members we do not name and shame here. As you can see, there is always more than one side to a story and often the shop or person mentioned is unable to defend themselves. We have no way of knowing how accurate the information is either. If you have an issue with a particular store or person you speak quietly and politely to them in person. If that does not get anything done then go to the SPCA or your local paper. I will now lock this as the topic is closed.
  5. I was approached by the original creator of the site, Cees, and asked to be his guinea pig for an idea he had of making a place where people could help each other with their fish. He said it was called a forum and was the first time I had heard of such a thing. So, I was given the site and told to see if I could figure it out or break it. We played around with it for a couple of months, ironed out the bugs (Cees did, not me) then it went live with me as the first member :thup:
  6. What sort of help do you need? Information or practical?
  7. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Mozzy larvae are black, not white. I have made a birthday cake for my mother and we will be taking her out to dinner, picking her up in the 1928 Chrysler. It isn't her birthday until next week but this is the only day all 4 of us kids can be here (a rare event these days). She will be 75 :love:
  8. I don't think it is dropsy. If it was, when you look down from above she would look like a dry pinecone with the scales sticking out, and they aren't. I think the redness is just due to the distended body.
  9. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    As long as you are proud of yourself that is the main thing. You go girl! :happy2: :happy1: Have you measured yourself too? You do not always lose weight but you will lose centimeters.
  10. Don't panic about the nitrates as they are often high in the tap water. I know ours out of the tap is way higher than your tank reading!
  11. Being in the middle of Strowan and surrounded by Merivale, Papanui, Bryndwr, and Fendalton I am not surprised it is flash! As long as the bits still open have passed quake proof tests and doesn't wobble too much if another quake hits while I am in it :tears:
  12. Gunk is good as long as it is not slowing down the water flow. The bacteria live in it.
  13. I have had Jeremy Evison recommended by a Dr and a surgeon (he operated on the surgeon I have been seeing here and does spinal work for Burwood too) and he works from St George's in Merivale. Someone told me today they thought St George had closed after the quake. Anyone know if this is so?
  14. We do not name and shame here. Contact your local SPCA. I would also write a letter to the editor of your local paper (again, not naming the shop) voicing concern.
  15. Have just found out ACC will pay for the MRI I just had (saves me $966) and contribute to travel to and from ChCh for consultation with surgeon. They may even pay for the consult and, if I am very lucky, surgery. Not holding my breath though as I fear they will claim a pre-existing condition :-? Now just waiting for appt to see spinal surgeon in ChCh as local surgeon confirmed the need for surgery. Perhaps I can time consult or surgery to coincide with exec meeting and save an extra trip :thup:
  16. Same sun, different direction but light is not as good as sunrise.
  17. Goldfish are bred overseas in tropical countries where the temp is around 28C. They cope with it but I gather it shortens their lifespan.
  18. Perhaps you could consider a sunset instead then :slfg:
  19. Looks good Joe. Why not head up the Wither Hills to catch some sunrise photos? You can get some beaut ones from up there
  20. I think that's about it as they are all banned in NZ.
  21. It can take some fish a while to recognise live food when they see it. 6 worms are not going to cause a problem so keep to your usual schedule. I do not think white worms live long under water. Try dropping one in with the usual food next time. They will get the idea eventually.
  22. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I have been at work today. One patient was very rude and ended up hanging up on me but another was grateful when she found out I had been concerned when she did not answer the phone when I tried, several times, to ring her with test results. I had then rung the hospital, as she had been in there several times recently, and discovered she had been admitted and was not lying injured on the kitchen floor or something! She was pleased to find someone had cared enough to check up on her as she lives alone. I then had my appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon for my MRI results. I now have to wait to see a surgeon in Christchurch and have spinal surgery :tears: When I got home I found a thank you card from the local hospice after I donated a selection of fish to their tank. :love:
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