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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Told ya!!! :rotf: :rotf: :sml1: Can't tell you what Grant said as this is a family forum :rotf:
  2. Here he is on our wedding day ( was 18 and he was 27)... and when he was 30 (about 3 years later) A lot darker hair eh? 8)
  3. My sister and her daughter flew from Blenheim to Auckland with 4 cooler bags (2 each) of fish as hand luggage on the plane with them. Nobody asked, and they didn't tell I have flown with an ice cream container containing an axolotl. The only reaction I got was a "Eeew!" from the stewardess when she asked what was in the container, so I showed her. :lol:
  4. Can anyone else see who has a dirty mind? :slfg:
  5. You will only be welcome if you give us a blow by blow account of the setting up - with pictures Good to see you again.
  6. Caryl

    Happy Birthday L.A.!

    Happy birthday!! :love:
  7. I believe you can buy pre-made ones for standard sizes. If you use a fine, stiff, mesh the water will flow between the two so need for extra heater or filter.
  8. I guess it is what you are used to - both in reference to beards and marriage. Grant originally grew the beard on our honeymoon. Way back then (34 years ago) he was a lot skinnier and his head hair was even thicker and wavier. Having a very wide forehead and narrow chin, it gave him a very triangular look (not unlike a praying mantis, except he wasn't green). I suggested a trim beard would help even him out and give him a more rounded look. As they years have gone by he has filled out a bit and developed little chubby chops so I thought it would be interesting to see what he looked like now he had filled out more and the hair is thinner. The whole experiment has been very interesting and reactions, or non-reactions, from friends and family, have been varied and often funny. I find I don't mind either look and still find him sexy after all these years (it takes all kinds :roll: ) :love: He is finding the clean shaven look drafty and, along with the majority, prefers the fluff so it is now being re-grown. This will not take long! By the exec meeting next weekend he will have a designer stubble look going on :happy2:
  9. There are good fats and bad fats. I don't know which category they would fall into but I would suspect they would be good, in moderation :-?
  10. We deliberately picked Movember so he would match all the other guys growing beards He would keep his hair shorter if he worked more socialble hours that gave him time to get it cut more often. I am not a fan of trying to do it myself. Trimming the beard is annoying enough. Sophia, it was his choice to bring in the skip. His choice to chuck the treasures. His choice to shave it all off. It will now be his choice to grow, or not to grow it back but he has been as surprised as me by the pro-beard lobby, especially as they far outweigh the clean shaven look. I wonder if it because the majority who have voiced an opinion have been male? I thought it was said though that females preferred clean shaven men. Perhaps it is only younger women who have not experienced the fluffy feel
  11. He certainly does - now. he didn't before. I am amazed at the overwhelming pro beard stance since they are not considered "fashionable" although that isn't quite the right word. Interestingly, he has been working all day with a man who has known him for years, who hasn't noticed yet that something has gone :roll: I suspect he will grow it back. He is complaining it is drafty without it. :sage:
  12. His hair grows so fast he does not have the time to be forever getting a short back and sides. :roll:
  13. Grant has had his beard shaved off for the first time in 34 years (he grew it on our honeymoon). I was curious to see what he looked like clean shaven now and whether it would make him look younger. It has taken several years to convince him (ie constant nagging) to shave it off again :sml2: What do you think? Should he stay clean shaven, goatee version, or grow it all back? And does he look younger or older either way? Bear in mind he is 61 so he is never going to look "young" :slfg: It is just a fluke that he is smiling broadly in the first pic and hardly at all in the last The start goatee just a mo (yuck, not him at all) and the full monty He did it now so, if he grows it back, he will look like every other guy who shaved then let it go wild for Movember :thup: Be kind to him as I don't want his feeling hurt! Son's opinion (having never seen him clean shaven, except in wedding pics)... Dena and I reckon he actually suits the goatee best. Despite the fact that it gets rid of the grey I think he actually looks older without the beard. And he looks like a completely different person. It's kinda creepy. Go with the goatee (when it grows back). I think that suits him best.
  14. Well, the week has ended. It is hard to see much difference from the start but the skip is full and one of the cars is in the garage. Yes I am well aware there is still a lot of stuff left but he will get there - eventually :roll:
  15. Is it only affecting one specific species?
  16. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    White shows up every little mark very quickly. Better with the red. 8) Interestingly enough, I have never thought "goodness me you are tall!" when talking to P44, nor did I think he had big feet
  17. I think you should get a warning for posting to cause a reaction acara! :slfg:
  18. Are there any red streaks on the fins? I am wondering about fin rot. Without a pic it is really hard to say.
  19. When a fish is irritated by poor, incorrect, or toxic, water conditions it may produce excess body slime in an attempt to protect itself. This sloughs off the fish in bits and pieces and can trail along as the fish swims. Is it coming from all over the body?
  20. Some types of mollys originated in areas where the sea tide came in and out and their habitat varies from fresh to saltwater and everything in between. Mollys sold in your lfs may never have experienced any salt at all in their lives. Have a read of this
  21. This is a great instrumental to calm you down if you are stressed... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmiC9P5lg3E Chet Atkins - Estudio Brillante
  22. "Cos no woman wanted them Love the spiders!
  23. The word is not "evil" it is "practical"
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