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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. There is something in the water - fry! :slfg: You need to set up another tank for them to try again
  2. I thought barley straw was for green water, not that stuff
  3. It is dreadful stuff but at least stays in one place if you don't disturb it. Mine comes and goes and is worse over summer. Excess nutrients in the water I suspect. I have not tried to get rid of it as it goes by itself.
  4. I will be there in spirit Donna. Sorry I can't actually be there in person.
  5. Contact the Kapi Mana club as they will be able to put you in touch with him
  6. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I had X-rays and an appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon today. Turns out what I thought was a muscle strain is actually a prolapsed disc. Now I have to go to Nelson for an MRI then surgery :tears:
  7. You would not get them hatching fast enough to have enough to scoop out every few days, or it would cost a lot. I used to breed them in a 1kg peanut butter container similar to how oneyedfrog explained. I also hatched some in a large plastic container that sat on the floor of the lounge in the sun. The eggs had been gathered from the edges at Lake Grassmere (the salt works). They hatched, lived, reproduced etc but not in great numbers. Brine shrimp anyone? My little hatchery...
  8. That is weird Jude although I understand the concept behind it :-? What is the problem Hdoubleu? Gives the cat something to look at. Lid protects the inhabitants. Our cat used to lie on the glass lid and watch the fish swim by. Kept her amused for hours and the fish seemed to enjoy it too.
  9. Those of you who have made a sump, or are about to give it a go, why not write an article, with step by step pics, for the Aquarium World magazine? Few words needed, if you are not that way inclined, as a pic is worth a 1,000 words Even if you build something and it does not work. Showing what you did, then what you did wrong, can be helpful to others so they won't make the same mistake. I am always looking for articles. Email them to me
  10. Caryl

    Fish dying :(

    You should not have 0 for all 3. There should be some nitrate. Are you sure your test kit is OK? What symptoms did they all show?
  11. Welcome back Aaron. I am sure you will notice some differences. Make sure you check out all that's available on the Home Page too
  12. We pay a certain amount in the rates for water, as everyone does, but are not then charged by how much we use as well.
  13. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I think they sent it to the wrong house, it was supposed to be addressed to me! :slfg:
  14. Yes, unless you have a lot of tanks (breeding purposes etc) rather than a few display tanks, the tanks will use little power compared to the appliances Burn mentioned.
  15. Do you not have water in your taps or do you mean you pay for water up there? Even so, $1.30 for 1,000L is cheaper than fizzy or juice
  16. Hmmm perhaps I should suggest to my daughter she add a turtle tank to her class room (Year 2). A turtle would solve the principal's over-population of guppies
  17. Water is free Farmers' Markets and other places have veg at affordable prices. Many keep well too. I can get over 8 meals out of a pumpkin (not to mention soup too) and they are cheap at the moment (I was given several for free the other day).
  18. Don't forget the majority of power companies put the price up too. It is not just what you are running, it is how much you are paying for it.
  19. The Wellington clubs get involved in the local pet expo and the Home and Garden Show as well. This year I think they are only doing one as the dates were changes for one of them and they felt they could not do two now so close together. I can't remember, off hand, which one they decided to enter - the Pet Expo or the Home Show.
  20. Caryl

    Greetings all

    Hi and welcome to the site. That doesn't sound like many fish in a tank that size. You should add more hoplos at least
  21. Hi and welcome. Are you sure about how many litres it holds? 360L+ is a large tank but it does not look that big in the pic. What are the dimensions? If you aim the filter bar so it is creating a ripple on the surface (without being noisy) would be good. I am not sure putting angels and discus in the same tank is a good idea. Also, Bettas are better (no pun intended) in a much smaller tank. If you want a fighter, set him up on his own in a small tank
  22. Interesting. Not seen one like that before! We are too polite to mention the dirty glass
  23. The golds are a lot more sensitive than commons it appears. What caused the sudden pH drop? Was it before or after you added the golds? How did you raise the pH and over what time period?
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