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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Neither guppies nor bristlenoses are that fussy about pH. When books talk about pH they generally mean what the fish lived in in the wild, or what is required for optimum breeding results. As the majority of fish are captive bred in artificial conditions, and can't read, they have no idea what pH they prefer. I would be doing the water changes daily until the readings are what they are supposed to be.
  2. Sophia the more pixels the better. Then I can crop or whatever as required to fit and it won't compromise quality but it is not mandatory. All I require is sharp, well focused, pics; not fuzzy ones. If you took a good pic on your cell phone it will be printable as the pics added to articles are not large. You do not need a fancy, mega pixelled camera. If you look through the conference pics in the Aug mag you will note some are better than others. A lot of the head shots were cropped from group pics and in a dark room so quality varied greatly. The printer does a good job of striking a happy medium when it comes to contrast. Some of the pics printed have been around 100kb, or less, and others up to 250kb as I resize big ones.
  3. If it was caused by poor water conditions then you can hopefully get rid of it as the water quality improves. Try just water changes for a while and see what happens.
  4. My daughter's Birman, Denny Crane, has started losing large clumps of fur. I don't think he is pulling it out though. The other cats are fine. :dunno:
  5. Remember we want lots of pics and an article sent for the magazine please people! :thup:
  6. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Very quiet on low settings. About the same as the fan on the gas fire. Quite loud on high but I doubt we will ever run it on that. We did yesterday to burn off the new excess paint. Had all the doors and windows open, batteries removed from the smoke alarms (as they kept going off), and it was very hot in there! The earlier models were very noisy, not just the fans but the auger as well I am told.
  7. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    We had our gas fire taken out and replaced with a pellet fire. Boy does it pump out the heat! Even on lowest setting. :happy2:
  8. If it is any consolation, I haven't got mine yet either Jim Thank you Anthony :happy2:
  9. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    So where's the pic?
  10. Having me in a bikini in your 6ft tank will not encourage members! :sick:
  11. The temp gauges on heaters are never accurate.
  12. 64L is too small for a fantail goldfish anyway. When a fish is coping with poor water quality, it increases production of the slime coat in an effort to protect itself from the toxins. As it builds up, it sloughs off the fish causing that peeling effect. As said, stop adding chemicals (except the water ager or chlorine remover if it is needed in your area), keep up the water changes and all will settle. You will not get an instant fix as it takes some time for the surviving fish to recover and they will be susceptible to other diseases etc due to their poor health.
  13. I thought, for a minute, the massive prize was a pool :slfg:
  14. Caryl

    Hi all :D

    Welcome to the fish room Quite a few car and photography nuts in here too.
  15. If you use Ammolock it will stuff up your test readings. There should be no reason to use it. Water changes are better, and cheaper.
  16. It will be fun to see the updates as everything grows.
  17. Actually, it was the best one I had of you. You would not have been happy with the others!
  18. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Hi Smurff. The forum is quite easy to find your way around when you stop and look at it. I hope you realise this is just part of a much larger site full of information? Click on the FNZAS logo top left of the page to go to the Home Page and see all the information in the various areas there. The forum is divided into 5 public areas. The first is called Start and that is where we put announcements, you can introduce yourself in the Welcome section, look up what clubs are posting about their meetings or events, or post in the beginner section if you are unsure where your question should go. The Community Tank section is a general holdall for questions on the broad subjects lists there - cold, freshwater, marine, technical, DIY, diseases and the trade and exchange. The Members Tanks is just for members to post photos of their aquariums (or ponds) with a detailed list of size, filtration, stocking, plants etc. for others to admire. The Specialist Corner is just that, for more in-depth questions on specific species and breeding. Finally there is Other Business where you can post questions to do with the website itself, read about, vote on, or enter competitions. It also has the Off Topic section where you can talk about stuff other than fish. Have a cruise around the Home Page and see what else there is to see :thup: Finally, the important tests are really ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. pH can be useful too. Some people test weekly and others never bother at all. If something goes wrong in your tank, the first thing you will be asked is the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. This will give you a good idea of what you problem may be and how to correct it. A bigger tank is actually easier to look after and should be more stable than a smaller one so less testing required. Whether you buy an all in one kit or individually is up to you. I think the all in one's are often cheaper but don't actually know as I have not tested my own tanks for years. Check the use by dates on them before purchase. pH tests will last for years but the others do not. This is the What's Up? thread where members tell us what they have been up to lately.
  19. AWs are easy to spot as they are posted in clear plastic bags
  20. I have just had confirmation from the printer that the magazines went to NZ Post this morning. :thup: Never believe wok unless he posts a photo of himself holding the current AW in his hand
  21. Guppies will drop every 4 - 6 weeks, depending on temperature. They can get`really really fat and look like they are about to burst before they drop fry.
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