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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. so they are ottos? pics?!
  2. Oh I passed all right, didn't fail a thing. Was close to merit. But if you're going for anything better than a pass, don't rely on skill/luck.
  3. Be sure to make him/her study. Especially if its a guy. And for mock exams next term aswell. I cannot stress this enough. I didn't study at all for either and it had bad consequences. Merit questions are easy, but only if you've studied.
  4. You can drive at 15. :lol: But yeah. I agree to some extent.
  5. DennisP


    Aren't Oranda's like $80? Look on trademe.
  6. Had the same problem, added some jbl balls and they are now fine.
  7. I still have trouble getting used to puffers in a planted tank. I've only ever known them as salt water fish. :lol: They're looking good though, I like the red eye.
  8. I didn't get metro, and it.. went to fishy heaven. The others are fine though, eating and growing well. New shipment of discus coming in this weekend :bounce:
  9. Could have been $180, wasn't 190 though. Meh, main point of post was to say that animates had some and they weren't hiding in the busy shop. :lol:
  10. :bounce: My Amazon sword has the same thing atm, almost reached the water line.
  11. Gold Nugget(?) I saw 2 of these at animates on moorehouse (I think, Can't have seen them anywhere else) and they didn't hide. $160 each I think.
  12. Charcoal as in... the stuff you find on railway tracks? Not the stuff from the fire?
  13. I haven't tried with midnight, I think it is bigger than my silica sand, but mine doesn't float up much, I have 5 corys constantly digging it up but my filter is fine, depends how low your filter intake is though. I don't use a gravel vacuum thing, just a hose a few Cms above the sand.
  14. I find dark (midnight) looks much better. Since it is sand, it doesn't have any space for the leftovers etc to fall through so you can just vacuum it off the top.
  15. could be rotala rotundifolia or however you spell it. Could be wrong though.
  16. The first one you see on the right?
  17. Wow, those things are amazing! I love nature! :lol:
  18. Yep, I do this too, just trim off any that try to make it to the surface. It will stay reasonably low.
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