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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. How obvious is this Val-ban? I would never have heard of it if people here weren't discussing it. and I know this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guys cousin... Who's LFS has a display tank with straight vall in it.
  2. You could get some Tetras + Cories + some Feature fish. + Lots of driftwood and a large amazon sword Or cabomba and sand substrate. Or guppies (eww) + some small loaches + some gouramis. Put some Vall (if you're badass enough to break the law) or a tiger lotus in there + Dark substrate + Root-like wood. Just some Ideas.
  3. Haven't had much Obvious luck, they do look at they food, they don't totally disregard it. But I haven't seen them eat it. One of them seems to have a red stomach but I'm not sure if its actually from the bloodworms.
  4. Pet shop told me MAF quarantines for 6 weeks.
  5. Mummy pays for my fish food! But srsly, she pays for the food and nothing else. =[
  6. Photo's or it didn't happen!
  7. Just the answer I was looking for.
  8. Looks good. I really like it.
  9. So I found some Half banded Spiny Eels in the weekend (2) And have tried to feed them 3 times. Twice with bloodworms and once with an earthworm. First time they were still getting acclimatized so Its not suprise they didn't eat, Second time (early today) I held some frozen bloodworms to their face and they had a little poke at it but didn't eat any. I threw in a live earthworm as well a couple of minutes ago to see their reaction to live food and one of them bit it but it was too large to swallow. What do I feed them, how often do they get feed and how do I ween them onto frozen food?
  10. I remember them teaching us how to read clocks when they taught us which coin is worth what... After 11 years of never looking at an analog clock, it doesn't come very naturally.
  11. Never used a watch in my life. Get a phone.
  12. DennisP


    If there are no fish in there, you could take out some more water and put some really hot (from the kettle or something) water in it.
  13. Pig can't get any cos its so fat it doesn't need anymore. =p In my experience teh Gpigs will scratch the hell out of anyone or thing that comes near.
  14. Gpigs annoy me. They're so nervous and everything...
  15. Why is the freshwaters members section saying it has a new post but I can't see any new posts? Really bugging me.
  16. Isn't that a bit of an overkill? At like $200 each?
  17. I'm sure most people are oblivious to 90% of what is going on outside of their direct community until they are about 14/15.
  18. Chances are (no offense) if you're the age of my parents, then Internet and colour tv didn't exist which almost takes away the point of being inside.
  19. 1 large amazon sword imo would look cool. I like it though.
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