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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. I take it a heater many times too powerfull for a tank that size wont hurt? What is metro?
  2. Separate him to where? I've only got the one operational tank. 1 small one with no extra equipment heater etc, and the other one is full of crap and would need a very good clean, and recycle as the filter Is dirty as hell.
  3. I do feed three times a day, and lately I've been feeding the bigger ones on one side of the tank, then dropping some food right on top of the little one. He just sits and stares at it. Sometimes it looks as if he wants to swallow some, but then he doesn't.
  4. I bought some baby discus a few months back. The largest is doing very well. Almost fully coloured etc... one is smaller, but healthy, but the third, very small, very thin now, and still wont eat. Anyone got any ideas? Please help, I think he's going to starve soon otherwise.
  5. I started with 3, now have about 20 or so... but it is still too slow to multiply fast. But I guess it will take off eventually.
  6. Does anyone wanna send me a good handfull or something of this sag? I already have some, but its not enough...
  7. Looks good. Send me that carpet plant please!
  8. Q1: forget it. Unless you have enough money and are keeping really sensitive fish, don't bother. You can always take water the the lfs and they will test it (if you really need to). I have never tested my water (ph only) and never had any problems. Q2: water changes wouldn't hurt, but only do small ones. As most of the bacteria will be growing in the filter, changing small amounts of water and cleaning up the rubbish wont harm (i think) Q3: Siphoning, You don't need to be too [insert correct word here(perfectionist?)] about it, the plants should use it up if you have enough. You can suck up most of the stuff sitting on top of the gravel by holding the hose a few cms above the substrate. As for too many neons, Don't worry. I've barely given my tank time to cycle before I put in discus and everyone was fine. I think its a bit over-exaggerated, but then again, "what works for you, doesn't always work for others".
  9. I haven't seen avatar 3d, but I found with 3d movies, being forced to focus on what the movie wants, hurt my eyes.
  10. That is very harsh. Why they hell does she have a tag and curfew. To stop her from selling goldfish to kids at night?! OH NO!?
  11. Is it possible to get insurance on fish?? Like if the tank breaks or something?
  12. I guess, an easy way around the restrictions would be to just talk to the person and without accusing them, find out how much they know about what they are buying. If you are still concerned, then you can refuse sale etc.
  13. Someone else can go. Im no good at this.
  14. Still a good movie. Now that its out on dvd, i can get it on my ipod! :lol:
  15. Goldfish, I can understand as they are cheap, and neglected. But most fish are so damn expensive that it really would not be worth the ... experience... of killing them.
  16. I had to look this one up, its a good one! :bounce:
  17. DennisP


    There is a bunch of chemicals you can put in there... Someone else can tell you. But since their shells are made out of ...calcium?... but its alkaline/basic... so if you make the water more acidic they will have trouble growing and the small ones wont survive. Also loaches will eat them etc.
  18. I went to mitre 10, and they kindly gave me 2 1.5m long blocks of poly. So now I have plenty for mistakes :lol: This is my first design, and I think It should look good once painted. They background (in the water) I think is going to stay pretty vertical. Now I need paint, and pebbles. I can get a little sand from outside or something. I am thinking I want those tiny little, round boring grey pebbles. I remember I used them at school many times when I was little, I think it is also in the sand they use for sandpits. Anyone know what I'm on about. I think they will be the best choice. Because they look natural and don't draw too much attention.
  19. I'd make it so the media can just slide out. The heater is still optional, as I think I'll just use mountain minnows. They are easy to look after, small, and don't need a heater. The power-head is what will make or break this idea. Anybody got one? :lol:
  20. This is very helpful. I might take you up on that offer! The filter I plan on making entirely from scratch. Only using a small power-head for water flow. I will make some designs soon. As for the background, I will integrate it with the land. I will use the same piece, or make sure they fit together perfectly but then separate it to make it easier. This is my idea for the filter. FTS to show you where it would go... And this one is more detail. . The yellow (if you can see) texture would be that wool sorta stuff so the power-head stays cleanish. The PH = powerhead... The black texture(s) would be different filter media. Would this even work?!?!
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