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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Dunno where you're getting the fish from, but I recommend get a fighter from a breeder or someone from here as the ones in stores are usually boring, and I find many of them are half dead. T.T
  2. Ummm the amount of kh(?) in the water is a so called "buffer" it reduces the change in ph, but doesn't stop it. Adding co2 to your tank WILL cause the ph to drop, but that shouldn't be a problem, especially since most fish living in planted tanks like acidic water anyway. Tbh, I wouldn't bother messing with the ph once the co2 is in, it would just make it unstable and DANGEROUS. I am no expert, pretty sure its close to the truth, but could be wrong. =p
  3. You would rather watch your fish tank for half an hour than watch TV. At age 16.
  4. My val is doing this too. Very slowly/faintly though. Red that is, not brown.
  5. You can if you want. If they are too big though, you do have to crush/flake them.
  6. I agree. When I had a pair, years ago, the female looked... fatter, cos its shorter, and its stomach was much redder.
  7. You shoulda seen the banana someone at school had! OMG! 40cm atleast!
  8. The tips of mine have gone very very red! Looks pretty cool. Need some more though.
  9. Google is your friend. And no, it wont.
  10. SHould be okay the. Still watch for aggression though.
  11. I cycled my 240L for about 2 days before the discus went in. I'm very impatient.
  12. I've tried a quick search on here, but didn't find anything. Since a lot of people on here are transporting fish across the country, I'm sure there is someone that can help. I am (almost certainly) going to be transporting some fish from blenheim to chch, which Is a 4-5 hour drive. What do I do?
  13. At larger size it would be okay, they aren't the toughest of fish (physically) and at 8 cm, it's still pretty small so It could be a risk.
  14. Looks great! Any fish in there?
  15. If you're 100cm is still set up, you can use the same water.
  16. Lol! I can't remember what it was like for me getting my first fish. But all new fish excite me now! Unless I've already got some of them or they are tetras.
  17. Didn't someone say that they have made small tanks illegal in germany? As this is a german "goldfish" tank, it should be suitable. Definitely not for 11 though.
  18. Yes, education is definitely the way to do it. Its what I was trying to get across with the bad press Idea. People would be talking about it, and would know the harm they are doing. And the shops would then stop misleading people by telling them its okay. Not that all shops do this... yada yada yada...
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