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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. i've seen a spray bar on a juwel done. I'ma try do it this weekend when I have time.
  2. I figured you spelled it wrong from that "cheep does not have 2 ee's, cheep does not have 2 ee's" x 10, but I thought you were about to take a personal attack at the guy for shopping there or something. :lol: :oops:
  3. EGG! I do not understand why these questions are so... "mysterious". An egg is an egg, but if you think of it in terms of evolution, over generations some random birds (always laying eggs) eventually gave birth (laid egg) to a bird similar to a chicken, but it is not a "chicken" then that bird eventually laid an egg and out of that egg came a chicken. Eggs stay the same, the bird changes. Nuff sed.
  4. maybe some carpet plants and moss?
  5. Don't keep dosing with salt, as it doesn't disappear, give them salt baths instead. But tbh, I don't know. I guess the salt would help.
  6. If it were mine, I would add a few small swords, small bleheri's or something. Not too many though, 3 at most. Maybe some val also. I like the idea though, with the wood.
  7. Oh, I believe he has more tanks than half of the NZ fish community put together! =P
  8. the rocks are very... contrasting... but they should become more yellow overtime like the last ones. (it also looks better than in the photo. )
  9. My LFS sells them, also the owner let me borrow one for 2 weeks : ) They have some amazing photos, but in some cases, shows just how little chance I have of making anything as good as him.
  10. I've just added a bunch of rocks today, done the same thing with tiny pebbles and stones, makes it look a lot better.
  11. Then thats what I shall do, I found an old post that people got them (5-8kg) from somewhere (Auckland) for $200 all up. I'd be prepared to do that if I can find it in CHCH somewhere... Back on topic. WHERE IN CHCH?
  12. I know, I know, your reaction "5-8kg!", sounds like you would do something else.
  13. Hmmm... what do you recommend?
  14. even second hand/old ones? like 5-8kg?
  15. Everyones probably sick of this question but still, Where can I get a co2 bottle in Christchurch? I've tried Asco as recommended but they have apparently split up the business to one part being only offices and the other I take it is still the same as previously (refilling and renting bottles etc), but they "do not sell them" anymore, they asked if they had any old ones outback but "no". Anyone know? I heard smith city has them but I would guess they are very expensive.
  16. Yes... Update please. We CAN see you're online sunrise!
  17. Now this, I can agree with. It never looks how you want it to.
  18. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 635097.htm That looks so amazing, and its 1 hell of a lot of windelov. is this someones on here?
  19. @p44, was that branch you used actually dead? It didn't really look it...
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