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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Speaking of salt, (your tank looks amazing btw), what is the "tonic" part of the salt? And what does it do..?
  2. OOooooo a newbie! I remember when I was new. The salt is basically a form of medication/prevention. What it does exactly, I don't know. Welcome though.
  3. Just a question, what is the harm in that?
  4. Don't be hijacking this thread! I wanna see photos of rotten eggs and failure! :evil:
  5. The guy said that the osmosis and the salt and the worms die. Or something along those lines. He said it has worked for him in the past.
  6. k = thousand, just like kilo. Pretty sure thats where it comes from. But yeah... Stupid NZ being a little country in the middle of nowhere so everything needs to be imported and we don't have any neighbours that have these things like in Europe.
  7. This is true, Some people (idiots) at school decided it would be fun to buy some mice. They weren't allowed them at home, and as they were boarders at school, not allowed them there either. Guess what they did? Kept the mice in their locker. Eventually the dean found out and took them back to the shop, for free. This would be why some of the shops have this law. I guess its also a good way to get your parents to give you a ride there, and you probably wont have to pay for petrol etc.
  8. Went around lfs, looking like an idiot till someone told me you gotta get metro from a vet... *evil eyes* But the lfs dude, knows his discus, told me to give it a salt bath, so I did that, 4.5 heaped teaspoons for 1l of water. Almost killed it, but he's recovering again in the 2ft. (I wonder if these lfs ppl are members here...) I'll try feeding it some bloodworms later on today, see if it eats it.
  9. First of all, is this a NZ riddle? major company too. protected in your land.
  10. Tank water? or tap water?
  11. My chicken talks. And my unicorn dances.
  12. Oh, well its in the 2ft for now, with air stone and a heater, some pieces of food still lying in there from earlier, will clean it up tomorrow after I buy some metro.
  13. truth. You can be a liar and tell the truth, but you cant be truthful and tell lies. Same way a criminal can be good, but a law abiding citizen cant break the law.
  14. Ahhh i see now. One hell of a riddle.
  15. I still don't get it.
  16. DennisP

    updates :)

    I like the tank, but I Don't think you need anymore fish.
  17. Alrighty, cheers. Edit: Just fed it, Not even the slightest interest in food. Will update later again if its eaten it or not.
  18. Thanks, It probably is a disease of some sort as there (apart from the larger 2 babies kissing ONCE) I have not seen any aggression at all in the tank since i got the young ones, about 3 months ago. How often should I water change the 2ft?
  19. I cant even decipher the meaning of the poem let alone the meaning of the riddle.
  20. Why would they ban plecs? They aren't posing a problem now, and they can't live in cold water... So it would be [retty stupid.
  21. Well, Just now, like 10 mins ago, I filled up the soon to be paludarium tank, put my 150w heater in it, and a few pieces of cabomba floating for confidence. No lights or anything. its a 60cm x 30 x30 tank, or there abouts. The smallest discus is in there now, I can tell its weak because it was pretty easy to catch it Now what? I will feed it later when it feels safer, and what happens if it doesn't eat the food? i cbf vacuuming it out everytime after i feed it.
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